Sunday, January 31, 2010

Victoria's Flowers and Misc Activity 2009

Flowers Arrangement in my living room "2009"

This is my fruit basket that I put together on top my Refrigerator.

I had taken this picture in my living room 2009. I was so bored so I start taking pictures my flower's arrangement.

This is my Piano

My living Room with stock of Song Books, Bible.

I love this plant my best friend gave this to me. This plant still alive today 2010. This taken 2009.

My flower arrangement

My doll collection/it was given to me individual friends of mine.

This is my pillow doll

I love taking picture is one of my hobby.

This my other bathroom. I made this curtain.

I made this shawl to my best friend's daughter 2009. This is the left over for her material I just thought made her another one that is not alike.

This is the  design that she really likes on her Wedding day.  I made this for Lauren. The wedding so beautiful. It is worth to attend to her wedding.

Facts of the Trees- The Garden of God.

Facts of the Trees- The Garden of God.

What can you discover about the Tree of Knowledge called Tree of life today? The reason why they call tree of knowledge you will be able to discover all the hidden facts of trees as God written law to those each trees. The reason why it is called Tree of Life because it contains vitamins and medicine for our body today it is hard to eat all of them it will cost us a fortune. The truth is…we are “all” malnutrition. Can you imagine Adam doesn’t have to cultivate the ground? Now, the farmers have to cultivate in order to plant the seed.

2 Tim. 2:15 (KJV)

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Eccles. 12:12 (KJV)

And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.

How can we know the Bible is true? We know God created heaven and earth within six days. On the seventh day God rested from all that He had made.

First day – Light appears, Light and darkness divided Gen.1:1; Hebrew 11:3

Second day –Water above divided from waters below. Gen.1:6-8. Note: The Hebrew actually means, “Let there be space between the waters”. When we talk about water we are talking about the scientific truths and observation.

Third day –oceans, dry land, and plant life. Gen.1:9-13. Why so important the ocean? While creating the oceans, God stocked them with salt necessary for man and animals that would soon appear. Oceans feed mankind with foods and plants and provide iodine that is essential in healing agencies. Plant life – Do you know He also categorized botany into three general divisions: grasses, herbs, and trees? Science perfectly agrees with these conclusions.

Fourth day – Sun, moon, and stars. Gen.1:14-19. Today scientist must observe and name all the stars in heaven because each star has unique and special different from others, some stars range in sizes. God wants us to see and educate us for everything that place Heaven and Earth. He wants us to learn everything. Everything that we see is nothing but educational. God implemented the solar system to govern seasons, and regulate time on the earth. That is why today it is easy for a mankind to tell the time. Simply, because, the people had invented the “wrist watch” to tell what time is it? Hahaha.

Do you realize the stars and heavenly bodies have been set for signs and season, all navigators will acclaim? Our farmers are very important for us today? Why? Farmers know that spring and its planting season is near when certain heavenly constellations begin to flame. Summer, spring, winter, and fall come in their exact order, days, months, and years the earth journeys through space and assume a certain definite position in relation to all other planets in the solar system. God just balance everything without the earth getting harm. The measurement, every angle degrees must precisely right in order the solar systems works in unity.

As we can see the entire cycle of organic life has been set to twelve hours of light for labor and twelve hours of rest. This is all planned of God and He set in motion before man appeared. Again, proof must be found outside the Bible; evidence that can substantiated and accepted. The proof of Science, History of God’s creations, Medicine, Archeology, and Dead Scroll God wants us to discover everything that He place heaven and earth. God allowed us to examine, to discover every detail of His own creation. This is all the facts of life. Truth of life that we can see the power of His might.

Fifth day – Sea creatures, birds, insects. Gen. 1:20-23. Can you imagine or to consider the vast numbers of orders, families, species, and varieties that fill the water and air, the waters began literally swarming with living creatures. Wow! Do you know today the great whales still exists today? The great whale’s today people trained them just to show to people what the whale performs and act to the audience. It is amazing. Is the Bible mentioned the great whales (more than one species)? Yes! Gen.1:21.

Do you know the mackerel lays about 500,000 eggs at once? If each egg would mature and multiply according in earth’s oceans, what would happen in ten years? We could walk from the continent to continent on the backs of living mackerel! God knew that man’s curiosity would compel him to study life under powerful (invention artificial lenses-man invented microscope in order for human eye can see the invisible things, every detail of human cells, animals, and etc) therefore God delicately and beautifully made every minute form of life. Amazing God!

God wrote everything in His own creation for a mankind to study His own creation to proved it that He is The Almighty God! The proof of His Creation, each species of trees, rocks, animals, the human body God wrote the law in order for us to discover everything that He place in Heaven and Earth. The spoken Word of God created all things, the proof must be found to His own creations. We examine, we verified, we discover all the proofs how God made everything in good order.

Sixth day – Cattle, reptiles, and beast, first man Adam. Gen. 1:24-31. We do know there so many animals and different kinds of species. I tell you the truth I will not able to tell them all. I do know there’s many more Adams (intelligent) all over the earth trying to discover all the different species of animals in every country and nations today. Do you know on this day, the earth brought forth three types of animals?

Cattle – (domestic animals that serve man sheep, cows, goats, horses, donkeys, and camels etc...Etc...

Beasts of the field (all wild animals and other four-footed animals.

Creeping things (they are called all reptiles)

We also know the sixth day was the creation of man. Everything previous was done in preparation for the human race to inhabit God’s beautiful earth. God made man and female.

Remember we are dust and dust shalt thou return. We started “dirt” and we will return “dirt” when we die as the Bible tells us in the book of….

Genesis 3:19 (KJV)

In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

Body – is the temple (meeting place-communion with God which is called part of head between eyes and ear) in which the invisible spirit and soul live. Note: originally Adam is created In God’s image (means good law, good thought) of course, sin breaks communion with God. This is why there two law of our mind now between good law and evil law of my mind. Romans 7:22-23.

Spirit – is the real inner man; the parts that knows (between good law of the Spirit Romans 8:2 and evil law is called carnal mind is enmity against God Romans 8:7.)

Soul – is the mind (or intellect, seat of thought and memory the center of consciousness that generates feelings, ideas, perceptions, to stores knowledge, capacity of thinking, reasoning. The will and emotions that operates by the five senses of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling.

When Adam and Eve becomes a sinner…the first thing took over sin breaks communion with God. Why? The way of thinking personality changes the part of man was affected infected by the terrible death nature sin affects the spirit. The original Adam’s thought is now malnutrition because before Adam sinned, his intelligence was so superb, he was able to name the entire animal creation (Gen. 2:19-20) His mental powers of capacity were fully capable of ruling the earth.

According to the Medical science research now believes that few people use more than ten percent of their brainpower. The law of the carnal mind and spirit law of righteousness combined together. I believe at the end God has to separate those two images of mankind between good and evil law. The physical and spiritual deaths are mentioned in the Scriptures.

First death – Physical death (body made of dust) separates man’s spirit and soul from his body.

Second death –Spiritual death separates man’s spirit from God. This is between good law and evil law way of thinking of carnal mind. Second death is an eternal separation of man from God. The first Adam (his thought carnal mind Rom.5:12-15) created in a physical form. The second Adam (Jesus image nothing but good thoughts) created invisible form.

God created man and female in His own image (image of good!) Now, we can answer mankind that God he is male. The Son of God is Jesus Christ. There are many people today think God is a female because of the scriptures being said. All the time the scriptures tell us is all about between good thoughts and evil thoughts of image. Adam created (good thought –good image from the beginning since the sin breaks the communion with God because the image of Adam is no longer 100% good thoughts)

Col. 1:15 (KJV)

Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature?

Jesus said…

Luke 18:19 (KJV)

And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God.

Written by: Victoria

What can you discover about the facts of Trees? Find out! Let’s us research what the people has discover.

Genesis 2:9 (KJV)

And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight,

and good for food;

the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, (physical food)

and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. (Spiritual food)

Facts of Trees

12 Amazing Facts About Trees – Did You Know?

Amazing Facts About Trees

Interesting Facts about Oak Trees
10 Facts About Trees and How Trees Help Save the Environment
Maple Tree Facts

Fruit Trees

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Financial Guidelines from God

Financial Guidelines from God

We do know the money it has been around since the beginning of Genesis. There are so many rules that the children of Israel must abide. Today if you are a teacher teaching the gospel of Christ you might want to consider reading all the Old Testament Law called “Rules” because the four basic foundations called law, faith, mercy, and judgment.

These four basic foundations Jesus Christ refer it back and remind us what are the rules are in order for us to maintain the balance life in the book of Matthew 23:23. There are some rules we must abide when we teach God’s law. When we teach we must rightly divide the law of God. What is that means? When you teach tithe is tithe, taxes are taxes, contributions are contributions these account are separate accounts and they have separately rules to abide meaning you cannot combined as one.

Teach it separately as it is written in the law of God in order not to create confusion. Partial teaching is number one violation as Malachi 2:9 mentioned. What is partial means? It means incomplete teaching. You cannot add or diminished what was written in the law of God. We must exactly teach it as it is written in the law of God. Malachi 2:8 partial in the law they corrupted the account of Levi because the law of the Levitical Priest so many rules to follow everyone of them they departed from this type of law.

Have you ever buy a game before? When you buy game and then before you play the game you must read all the proper rules is that right? This is the same way in God’s law the Levitical Priest has bunch of rules where to offer the tithe and various offering. The rules are must wait on God, God who’s the one who decide to choose the place where to place the altars of offering and then, God is the one who choose the right people, the right place, the pattern of the Tabernacle is given by God. All the measurement must exactly measure as they are told by God in the Old and New Testament law Exodus 25 and Heb.8:5.

Tithe is the Rod of God- Measuring (10%) Stick of Aaron the Levite Exodus 4:20/Numbers 17:3

Tithe only a Levi (Moses and Aaron the Levites because this is God’s rod given to Moses Exodus 4:20) can rule this type of account that is why the Ark of the Covenant is sealed no man is allowed to ruled this type of authorization not unless God has given you the authorization to use it. Tithe and various offering can only be offered to the chosen gates because in order for the Sacred name of God of Israel to be recognize today’s world. Deut.12:13. The Landmark is important to God. That is City of Jerusalem.

Taxes for the Revenue of the Kings

The taxes are for the human government that is why the New Testament order us to obey them that ruled over you meaning such as governor, the book of Daniel 11:20 also mention the estate of raiser of taxes, Jesus mentioned the word benefactors meaning financial supporters in Luke 22:25. The book of Ezra 14:13 have mentioned the revenue of the Kings this pertaining to the human government. That is why today if you noticed some of the country has to use this type of command to pay toll, tribute, custom in order for their government to stand it helps their financial system the same way Jesus Christ mentions about the word “Benefactors” which means the financial supporters. (Note: If you see a pay toll and you pay before you get in that’s means you are helping our law to help and maintain the road you are driving today. It is really nice when you drive in the smooth road. Is it? Yap!)

(Note: If you just want to set your own percentage just to be honest to the people instead of using the tithe account of Levi. If I owe you I will not use the word tithe. I rather say…the word “contributions” this is much safer for us to teach than tithe account. Because, if you mentioned the word “tithe” you are referring to the Levitical bunch of Rules in the Old Testament law)

Ezra 4:13 (KJV)

Be it known now unto the king, that, if this city be builded, and the walls set up again, then will they not pay toll, tribute, and custom, and so thou shalt endamage the revenue of the kings.


The New Testament rules for the contribution are no longer limited. You can give as long you have something to give but you are not pressured to give. God wants you to give willing heart not something that you had been force and gone mad in your spirit at the same time He wants you to take care your household makes sure is not falling apart. I Timothy 5:8.

2 Cor. 9:7 (KJV)

Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

Romans 15:26 (KJV)

For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem.

More Rules about lend and borrow

Why God will not allow you to borrow (money)? Simply because can damage your life. It can ruin your health. Just look around you today. See what can you see? Why so many people are under depression? Number one worry is money. Whether you believe me or not... Money can ruin a lot of things.

Bad Debt Can Cause Your Life:

Depression can lead you to anger. Your walk with God cans causes you fall because of the worry. Depression is number one killer in all over the world. This is Satan number one tools that always use to the people of God. This is why... God wants you to know that His law in order to prevent this cause of danger.

Not many preacher, leader, will tell you how bad is the debt can lead your life in danger. Why? Because is the lack of knowledge of God's law. They know is bad to be in debt until your shoes will be in it. They know automatically is common sense for you to use your own judgment. But not according to God.

According to God it is really forbidden for you to borrow (money speaks). Simply because it will affected your mentally emotionally walk depression (if…you cannot pay it). The thoughts are number one killer can cause your health not to function. It takes the joy inside out of you. All the juice and energy (spiritual inner man) you have is all gone. When it comes debt is over powering your mental mind. Emotionally and physically distress over debt.

You become very severely ill over worried not able to pay your bills. Not able to sleep. Your mind draining you from worrying. Knowing where you can find help. It is affecting the entire of your life, job function, walking in work of God. It causes you to anger easily without any reason when you talking to someone. Your face actually shows the depression of anger.

Your moods change a lot. We can try to blend in to other people. They think there is nothing wrong inside of you. But, the inside of your mental capacity are eating you alive little by little. The worry can cause you a severe depression. Because the thoughts, mind are over powering you spiritual walk with God. Sometimes this can lead your chemical imbalance in the brain because of the worries that your mind overpowering you. This is causing your mental brain not to function right.

Some can lead to suicide because they cannot take it no longer the pressured. This is why we need to help our brethren because of the trap of Satan. How do we help them? Teach and Warn them and tell them how the law of God’s works. Money can lead your life into chaos situation. Worry can create emotional stress - called financial stress. Some are stepping down from their ministry simply because they can no longer to pay the high amount of the building, anything that they try to invest for the work of God. God never really told them to borrow.

They assume God will provide the need. All this time God told them from the beginning about the law that you are not allowed borrowing. Then refer back to the New Testament owe no man. Period. In your mind still insisting that God will provide. Remember God will always provide no matter what but, He wants you to know the truth of the law in order to prevent you getting hurt. Warning is good for your soul and mind but the novice teacher use it as a curse for you as long they can get something out of you.

They did not realize when we violated the law of God can cause the problem. God will never back up His word. When His word is already been settle in His law from the beginning. Then we still were expecting that God will provide the need when God gives the warning not to be in debt. How God can be provided the need when we violated the word of God? We can't twist the word of God and expect to be blessing the same time. Can't do it! When God says... owe no any man. God mean it well.

There are so many leaders fall into trap of financial problem including to the lowest and to the highest rank of leaderships of each nation today. (Millions of dollars worth of properties, God never says…they have to borrow some money to get a building just to preach the gospel of Christ and then make everybody pays for their own trap of debt bills) The apostles start the distributing the bread of life from house to house. Do you know what Peter says? Silver and gold have I none. This tells you He never asks for anybody to help His ministry all he has is in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Acts 3:6 (KJV)

Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.

We cannot use God's name trying to preach His name trying to impress someone else churches how beautiful their building is. Then our bills way up there. God never intend us to be in debt. Actually God has warn us about owe no man. I know we want the nicest building that we can build for the church, offices, etc for the Kingdom of God. But in the other hand we don't want all those pressured will be upon us to be in debt. God just want you to preach the truth. Simple as it is. God did not say ... you can't preach until you get a brand new building. God just want you to spread the word. He did not tell you to get a building to get stuck for the bills and makes everybody pays! God wants you to be “Head not Tail”

Deut. 15:6 (KJV)

For the Lord thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over many nations,but they shall not reign over thee.

God wants you to be a Head not a Tail to all nations today how?

The Rules are:

1. You can lend

2. Thou shalt not borrow

Why God commanded you to lend unto many nations? Why? Simple answer when you lend the individual nation they owe you instead of you owing them is that crystal clear enough for you? Meaning you don’t have to worry paying them they are the one who is going to worry to paying you back and then you become head to them not a tail. Same way in general speaks such as pastors, businesses, and etc…etc…etc…

Why God will not allowing you to borrow? Why? Well, if you just read the beginning of these explanatory reasons you know what is going to takes place called depression, anger, lack of interests for yourself, fear come upon you, causing you an illness, not able to function right physical and spiritual being. This is why God given us the direction as a guide of the law from the Old Testament and New Testament law not to borrow and owe no man because the reason why when you owe somebody you cannot sleep at night you will have no rest in your soul.

Deut. 28:13 (KJV)

And the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the Lord thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them:

Do you know what Jesus said.....? what? Take nothing …No money!

Mark 6:8

And commanded them that they should take nothing for their journey, save a staff only; no scrip, no bread, no money in their purse:

Then later on, if you’re not careful your own spirituality you can't even recognize your own evil doing. You think you are doing it right. You can monitor every person in your pew. Who’s giving the most amounts? Then it became favoritism. Then you see the person can't hardly give became angry in your spirit. Telling your own self well this particular person cannot give. You become judgmental saying ... that is why God doesn't bless them because they don't give that much.

When Jesus set an example in this earth... Jesus taught the disciples about the gospel. Jesus never collected money from people. Jesus only taught them the salvation and guidelines and rules of the law and then He refers back what it has been said from the Old Testament law all the guidelines that He establish for the children of Israel including the financial rules, dietary rules, and etc. The very main thing is to love one to another. Jesus never enforces the tithes instead He enforces and mention the rules of the law, faith, mercy and judgment that has been said the rules of the Old Testament law. What Jesus mentioned in Matthew 23:23 they.... omitted part called, faith, mercy, and judgment. The law owes no man according to Romans 13:8.

This is what Jesus taught them............

Matthew 5:1

And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him:

Matthew 5:2

And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,

Matthew 5:3

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 5:4

Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

Matthew 5:5

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

Matthew 5:6

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

Matthew 5:7

Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

Matthew 5:8

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

Matthew 5:9

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

Matthew 5:10

Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 5:11

Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

Matthew 5:16

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Matthew 5:17

Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

The keyword here is called Mercy! (Jesus mention the word Mercy, Faith, Law, Judgment Matthew 23:23) When you and I have mercy to others it will take care of everything surrounding us. When we follow the simple rules called law, we can help others without you and me getting in debt. The main thing is to take cares your own household first. When you’re household is taking care of you can help others without any grudge because your basic rules of foundation are in the law of God?

1 Tim. 3:5 (KJV)

(For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)

When you know the truth…called “Law”

John 8:32 (KJV)

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

What is the Law mean?

Law is called Truth!

Psalm 119:142 “and thy law is the truth.”

Written by: Victoria

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Author and Finisher-Jesus Christ

The Author and Finisher-Jesus Christ

Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

We do know there are many writers, one Author that is God. When God created Heaven and Earth He place all the law in His own creations. That is why if you are a Scientist you will able to discover the creation of God. Each star has name just like the Word of God says. Adam names it all that pertaining in this earth! Since you and I part of Adam more than likely everything that we see we can name it or describes it. Everything that we invent we can name it as well.

That is why when some ignorant telling you God never made the computer, television, toaster, and etc…etc… you should able to answer them accordingly what the bible says. The bible tells us God created all things meaning He place the entire material first for us to have here in this earth in order for a mankind to make a “witty inventions for themselves” without the material we cannot invent!

What basically, I am telling you if God never place the all trees we cannot eat. What is that mean? If someone telling you that God never made the grocery store how do you answer them? Simple and easy as a pie! According to the word of God made the trees is that correct? Right! If there is no trees…there will be no houses to build, no grocery to buy fruits in the grocery store, if there is no water there is nothing to grow. Simple as it is!

We can go on and on and on to answer all mankind all the unbelieving spirits all we have to do tell the truth of the law of God. If you add it or tell them less you will be found liar! That is why we tell it like it is! God started the Tree of Life and it will end Tree of Life! Tree is a seed of produce not money! God has to use the food ministry in order for us to find the facts about His own Creation! Food is our medicine to our physical body that is why Jesus is our food and our Salvation and also the healer of our body and soul! Money will not bleed! The Lamb of God has to sacrifice for our sins. That is why if you are a teacher teaching the law of God using the account of Levi as your tithe money it is a violation to you. You cannot use the money as your substitute of food! Tithe is the produce of the land as the scriptures told us. Leviticus 27:30. The fruit of the tree is the LORD’S: It is holy!

Is the Word of God says…there will be knowledge of witty inventions of mankind? Yes indeed! Possibility if you look around you today’s world there are so many inventions of mankind. I don’t have to prove it to you all them because all the inventions of mankind is surrounding you right now where you stand. We can make bunch of lists of mankind inventions here right now I am pretty sure you will be agree with me. Such as computer, television, aircraft, etc…etc...Etc...

Proverbs 8:12 I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions.

Eccles. 7:29 Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.

God also told us in the Word of God there are some inventions that are very bad inventions, actually they provoked him to anger because the inventions are pretty bad, some invention has defiled with their own works. What kind of inventions is this? They are called “whoring” inventions as the word of God describes. Whoring inventions they are regarded as sexuality as a prostitute. These type of inventions God is not very please according to the scriptures told us as we can read the book of Psalm it actually describes this type of inventions.

Psalm 106:29 Thus they provoked him to anger with their inventions: and the plague brake in upon them.

Psalm 106:39 Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a whoring with their own inventions.

Psalm 99:8 Thou answeredst them, O Lord our God: thou wast a God that forgavest them, though thou tookest vengeance of their inventions.

The invention of mankind has bad and good inventions as the word of God describes in these types of events. Possibility the bad inventions is the one who is going to destroyed the earth if they continue to invent that is bad for the mother nature.

66 Books of the Bible

We have 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament that is why we have total 66 books as guidelines for mankind. We have many writers, and one Author that is God. First God created the Heaven and Earth to writes His own creation. Meaning when God created all things man has to discover all what God has created. Such as individual trees has different kinds of trees, and for the discovery trees can be a healing for our body, and trees can also our food for our body, trees you can also built an house, trees you can also built table, chair, furniture and etc..

The first 2,500 years there was no physical written word simply because the Word of God written in all His own Creation. That means “we” have to discover all of these that He place in this world. The Word of God spoken orally and it became existence. The first written covenant given to Moses and the law is preserved place it in the Ark of the Covenant, and then the entire law read every seven years to the children of Israel. Deut.31:9-11.

Today the Word of God is in our hands that are called The Bible thank God the Ark of the Covenant preserved the Word of God inside the Ark.

John 21:25 (KJV)

And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.

In order for us to understand this scriptures that the world itself could not contain the books that should written why? Because God wrote the book directly to His own Creation in order to make the discovery of each individual trees, rocks, mountains, stars, herbs, animals, fish of the sea, and etc. Today the Bible has unique and the wonderful proven facts that has been written that God describes His own creation in order for mankind to discover it and there are more translations than any book. The Creation of God is the proof must be found outside the Bible; the evidence that can be substantiated and we can see it in our own eyes and there are many that God proven to all of us about His own Creation.

The 66 Books of the Bible is very exciting discoveries from various fields of Science, Dead Sea Scrolls, Medicine, Archeology, the most important is the History of the Tribes of Israel the chosen nation, peculiar people, this is where God laid the foundation of His own ministry feeding the needy to the chosen twelve gates in order to recognize His name and to record His name to the children of Israel.

Total 66 books of the Bible…

39 Books of the Old Testament Law

1. Genesis total 50 chapters

2. Exodus total 40 chapters

3. Leviticus total 27 chapters

4. Numbers total 36 chapters

5. Deuteronomy total 34 chapters

6. Joshua total 24 chapters

7. Judges total 21 chapters

8. Ruth total 4 chapters

9. I Samuel total 31 chapters

10. II Samuel total 24 chapters

11. I Kings total 22 chapters

12. II Kings total 25 chapters

13. I Chronicles total 29 chapters

14. II Chronicles total 36 chapters

15. Ezra total 10 chapters

16. Nehemiah total 13 chapters

17. Esther total 10 chapters

18. Job total 42 chapters

19. Psalms total 150 chapters (Note: the Longest chapters of the Bible)

20. Proverbs has a total 31 chapters

21. Ecclesiastes total 12 chapters

22. Song of Solomon total 8 chapters

23. Isaiah total 66 chapters

24. Jeremiah total 52 chapters

25. Lamentations total 5 chapters

26. Ezekiel total 48 chapters

27. Daniel total 12 chapters

28. Hosea total 14 chapters

29. Joel total 3 chapters

30. Amos total 9 chapters

31. Obadiah total 1 chapter verse 1-21 (Note: the shortest chapter in the Old Testament Law Only)

32. Jonah total 4 chapters

33. Micah total 7 chapters

34. Nahum total 3 chapters

35. Habakkuk total 3 chapters

36. Zephaniah total 3 chapters

37. Haggai total 2 chapters

38. Zechariah total 14 chapters

39. Malachi total 4 chapters (Note: the last book of the Old Testament law

27 Books in the New Testament Law…

1. Matthew total 28 chapters

2. Mark total 16 chapters

3. Luke total 24 chapters

4. John total 21 chapters

5. Acts total 28 chapters

6. Romans total 16 chapters

7. I Corinthians total 16 chapters

8. II Corinthians total 13 chapters

9. Galatians total 6 chapters

10. Ephesians total 6 chapters

11. Philippians total 4 chapters

12. Colossians total 4 chapters

13. I Thessalonians total 5 chapters

14. II Thessalonians total 3 chapters

15. I Timothy total 6 chapters

16. II Timothy total 4 chapters

17. Titus total 3 chapters

18. Philemon total 1 chapter verse 1-25

19. Hebrew total 13 chapters

20. James total 5 chapters

21. I Peter total 5 chapters

22. II Peter total 3 chapters

23. I John total 5 chapters

24. II John total 1 chapter verse 1-13 (The shortest chapter both Old and New Testament Law)

25. III John total 1 chapter verse 1-14

26. Jude total 1 chapter verse 1-25

27. Revelation total 22 chapters (Note: The last book of the Bible)

John 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

2 Tim. 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

Note: Keep in mind our Headquarters of the Church (today) is beginning to the physical “Jerusalem” this is where God record His name and the (Father) send His name to His Son-Jesus Christ. The Rod is called Holy Ghost is in the name of Jesus Christ settled both Heaven and Earth!

Note: The Rod of Aaron that has been place in the Ark of the Covenant is now passing it on to Jesus Christ our Lord. We are now having the right to use the name of Jesus Christ as the authorization under His name!

A New Priesthood with New, Living Sacrifices….”But ye are chosen generation, a royal priesthood, that ye should show forth the praises of him” I Peter 2:9.

The five (5) fold ministry equips saints to serve and to build up the members of Christ’s body, the Church (Physical Jerusalem and Spiritual Jerusalem) Please do not label your own church because our church is in Jerusalem we are all been spread out to teach to the whole world in order to be one nation, one God teaching. That is why Jesus said….tarry ye Luke 24:49

And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.

The Gospel of Christ must begin in the City of Jerusalem because this is where God record’s His name. The Gospel of Christ has five fold ministries in order to spread the Word of God to all nations. God sealed the twelve gates under His sacred name that is why the Jewish and Gentiles are now able to come in the Sacred Temple of God – the Authorization is now given to us the name of Jesus is the same Rod of Aaron except we do not carry the stick like they do in the Old Testament law. All we have to do is to carry the name of Jesus Christ in the baptism, repentance, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and then save yourselves unto these untoward generations Acts 2:38-40!

The Five- Fold Ministry of Each Individual including… YOU! (Chosen Royal Priesthood!)

1. Apostles

2. Prophets

3. Evangelists

4. Pastors

5. Teachers

Do you have one of these talents? If you have these talent use it for the Kingdom of God!

Ephes. 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

God started the City of Jerusalem as the physical Church from the Old Testament law called the twelve tribes of Israel now Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith chosen the twelve Apostles that is the spiritual City of Jerusalem! What Church is yours? I know mine is in the City of Jerusalem both physical and spiritual Jerusalem. What about you? Do you know what gate you are going to enter in when God call you to go home? I know where the gate of my God what about you?

Rev. 22:14 (KJV)

Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

Rev. 21:25 (KJV)

And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there.

Rev. 21:21 (KJV)

And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass.

The Gate of the Tribe of Judah is the Main Door that is Jesus Christ! Now, you will be able to understand these scriptures Jesus Christ referring to…

John 10:1 (KJV)

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.

I know where God established the foundation of the gate of God what about you? Makes sure you do not enter in a wrong gates! Jesus given us directly the chosen twelve gates in order to recognize the God of Israel.

Deut. 6:4 (KJV)

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:

Jesus said…

Mark 12:29 (KJV)

And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:

Written by: Victoria

Above All Worship Video with Lyrics- Michael Smith

Above All Worship Video with Lyrics- Michael Smith

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Pagcor Tower - philippines second tallest bldng in the world

Pagcor Tower - philippines second tallest bldng in the world

About the Philippines


SM Mall of ASIA - Pasay City, Phillippines

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Bayanihan Philippine Dance Tinikling Leyte Dance Theatre

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Cebu City's building and Skylines

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