Sunday, March 11, 2012


Probably by now why I am addressing this messages about concerning the Tithe. It has been more than seven years now since I had the terrible dream that dream it was actually the message from the book of Malachi. My dream is all about the dragon is when you read the first chapter of Malachi. In my dream there are many serpents chasing after me. In my dream there is an angel showing me how to get rid of them. The angel shows me to go to that border line of God. I believe that was the chosen gates and there are twelve walls. While those serpents chasing me I am running to get to those chosen walls when I look back I saw those serpents changes and became flying serpents as a dragons this time I saw them flying in the air. When I run towards to the border lines walls where the angels told me to go those dragons cannot enter to those border lines. Malachi 1:1-5.
This type of serpent they did not obey God’s rules and regulations which is the order of Aaron. They laid the rules of God in the wilderness like Malachi says in the first chapter. The flying serpents that I dream I didn’t know it is in the book of Isaiah 14:29 the root of the serpent started lineage of Palestina…saying because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent’s root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a “fiery flying serpent.” This flying serpent they did not follow the right rules and regulations what they did they chose the place for themselves even though is not the border line of God. God made it clear He has to choose the place before they can even place the proper sacrifice place. God gave them warning from the book of Deuteronomy 12:13 saying…TAKE HEED TO THYSELF THAT THOU OFFER NOT THY BURNT OFFERING IN EVERY PLACE THAT THOU SEEST:” the places and border line it is very important to God. That is why Malachi addressing the problem the improper sacrifice in the first chapter God said… I loved Jacob/Israel, and I hated Esau. Why God hated Esau? Esau laids his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness. Esau chose the place where God is not very please when it comes the offering. Esau made an offering to the wrong place and bad sacrifice.
As you can read the book of Malachi …God chosen Jacob place…first chapter and verse 5 saying…The LORD will be magnified from the “BORDER OF ISRAEL.” That is why when we teach the Tithes and offering from the Old Testament Law we makes sure we teach it right. The tithe and various offerings from the Old Testament Law is very sensitive subject.
Benefactors Luke 22:25 this is regarding to those human law called “The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise “AUTHORITY UPON THEM ARE CALLED BENEFACTORS.”
Jesus Christ made it clear this type of benefactors they are pertaining to those rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them Mark 10:42 Note: this is not pertaining the word Tithe from the Old Testament Law. Note: The order of Aaron which he collect tithe from the tribes of Israel is not the same tithe of the human law today. The human law today they used the tithe word as the percent as paying taxes or anything that can be used to help their nations. When we teach the pertaining tithe word makes sure we clarify it…are we talking about the Order of Aaron (Hebr.7:11) or are we talking about the benefactors pertaining to the Gentiles Law? Which one? That way the confusions we eliminate it! There are many false doctrine using this type of message and twist it to used it for their own gain. The reason why it is twisted message they used the tithe from the Old Testament Law as the order of Aaron and they twist it as tithe ink money and the false teachers called it redemption –never realize it. The order of Aaron as tithing is support the poor and requires physical food in order to feed them. Jesus Christ fulfilled this type of ministry to feed the five thousand without using the money He perform miraculously feeding them according to Matthew 14:17 “And they say unto him, we have here but five loaves, and two fishes” Jesus fed them 5,000 according to Matthew 16:9. The order of Aaron …Jesus fulfilled it by feeding the 5,000.
The apostles of Jesus Christ still obeying when it comes giving…to others but, they did not using the Tithe from the Old Testament Law instead they use the word contributions to help the poor, fatherless, widow, and stranger of the land. Romans 15:26 “For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain “CONTRIBUTION” for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem.
Acts 20:35 “I have shewed you all things, how that so laboring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, it is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Sharing is the most important part in our life Jesus Christ our LORD shared so many things for us. One thing we need to remind ourselves that Jesus Christ did not share “MONEY” He shared by teaching others what we need to do. Sharing doesn’t have to involved money. Don’t give me wrong today’s generation money it’s involved buying some stuff that we need especially food, clothing, place to stay.
I had shared so many stuff when it comes “Tithe, Contribution, Taxes” these three must be taught separately simply because they are the same concept giving but they are three different rules and regulations.
Tithe- the order of Aaron must place it to those chosen gates that are why Jesus place twelve gates in Heaven that is the results dying for us that’s part of it. The rules and regulations cannot place it in different places without God’s consent. Simply because God has to place the chosen gates in Heaven that is the purpose for those animals sacrifice that is requires blood sacrifice that’s the main reason Jesus He only enter one time in order for us NOT to defiled God’s rules and regulations. Read Hebrew 9:12 and read the Hebrew 7:11 notice Jesus did not rise after the order of Aaron? Jesus rise after the order of Melchisedec. Why? Because the Hebrew writer 7:17 “For it is declared: “You are a priest forever, what? Priest forever meaning…no more sacrifice for us to do today like they did in the Old Testament Rules and Regulations. Hebrew 10:1 tells us that saying…The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming-not the realities themselves. For this reason it can NEVER, BY THE SAME SACRIFICES REPEATED ENDLESSLY YEAR AFTER YEAR, make perfect those who draw near to worship. The former regulation is set aside because it was weak and useless Hebrew 7:18. Jesus Christ takes care of it once and for ALL! Hebrew 9:12 “But by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us” we are redeemed …”BLOOD OF CHRIST….MEANING NOT INK TITHE MONEY NEITHER BY THE BLOOD OF GOATS AND CALVES!”
When we teach the tithe, contributions, and taxes we must tell them about the rules and regulations. I wrote a note way back the title called “Benefactors” I pretty much explained some of the rules and regulations. When we talk about tithe we must address which tithe we are talking about. Is it tithe from the Old Testament Law or Tithe under human law? Which one? This type of teaching we must address it in a “Right Way” otherwise if we fail to teach it in a wrong way there is a big penalty.
Tithe from the Old Testament Law given to Moses and Aaron that is pertaining God’s rules and regulation. Tithe from the human law talks about in general today’s generation how to submit ourselves to those who has the authority “OVER YOU” many rulers today they use this Word “OBEY THEM THAT RULED OVER YOU” but the problem they are creating they only USED IT FOR THEIR MINISTRY makes sure they are the only one we need to obey. Jesus mentioned the word “Benefactors” this is all about concerning the “Human Law” NOT concerning God’s law. NOT unless they obey God’s rules and regulations between Old and New Testament Law.
-If you work for the company and you did not obey them that rule over you more than likely you will get fired. You must obey their rules and regulation this is what Jesus talking about the word benefactors that is pertaining to the human law known as magistrates such as tribute, custom and etc…
-if you don’t obey your mom and dad more than likely they will take away your allowance or the things that you really love.
-if you go to the store and you must buy the item makes sure pay for it…if you don’t their policy can put you away!
-if you travel or drive a car without no permit more than likely if…you get pulled over you are going to pay the circumstances.
That is why Jesus told them saying…the kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors. Luke 22:25
The book of Romans 13: 1 tell us also “let every person be subject to the governing authorities meaning we need to submission to the authorities why? Read on verse 6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom. In other words if you owe a man you must pay it back!!!
Read further Romans 13: 8 OWE NO MAN! Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for he that loveth hath fulfilled the law.
Jesus Christ pretty much explained everything to the apostles when it comes concerning “MAGISTRATES” Luke 12:58. As you are going with your adversary to the magistrate, try hard to be reconciled to him on the way, or he may drag you off to the judge, and the judge turn you over to the officer and the officer throw you into prison. The word of Jesus actually very explanatory but remember if this type of judges they over misuse this type of power they will be judge as well!
1 Peter 2:13-14 says…Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king,
As supreme;
Or unto governors,
As unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.
In other words God wants us to obey them that ruled over you NOT ONLY YOUR LEADER OF THE CHURCH; we need to include the magistrates as Jesus and the apostles tell us to do. The wrong teaching of the FALSE DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCHES…they just want you to obey them but they did not include the magistrates for the human law! That is wrong! 1 Peter 2:13 says…Submit yourselves to every …to every… ORDINANCE OF MAN for the Lord’s sakes!
Why? Why? Why? Example: If you didn’t show up in your job …you will not able to provide food for your family simple as it is! That does explain plain and simple! Is not because the people doesn’t go to your church doesn’t mean you can’t submit to them. That’s was the problem of the people “CLAIM TO BE AS A CHRISTIANITY” can’t submit to the ordinance of man as 1 Peter 2:13 says! Be aware! There is a balance of submission God given us the Wisdom and Knowledge in order to prevent their wrong doing as well! In other words if the false teacher teaching false teaching …get out there! That’s what I meant! Same way… if the ordinance of man is bad get out of there! God has given us the wisdom to know between good and bad! So if the ordinance of man is good follow it! Based on God’s law!
Written by: Victoria