Facts of the Trees- The Garden of God.
What can you discover about the Tree of Knowledge called Tree of life today? The reason why they call tree of knowledge you will be able to discover all the hidden facts of trees as God written law to those each trees. The reason why it is called Tree of Life because it contains vitamins and medicine for our body today it is hard to eat all of them it will cost us a fortune. The truth is…we are “all” malnutrition. Can you imagine Adam doesn’t have to cultivate the ground? Now, the farmers have to cultivate in order to plant the seed.
2 Tim. 2:15 (KJV)
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Eccles. 12:12 (KJV)
And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.
How can we know the Bible is true? We know God created heaven and earth within six days. On the seventh day God rested from all that He had made.
First day – Light appears, Light and darkness divided Gen.1:1; Hebrew 11:3
Second day –Water above divided from waters below. Gen.1:6-8. Note: The Hebrew actually means, “Let there be space between the waters”. When we talk about water we are talking about the scientific truths and observation.
Third day –oceans, dry land, and plant life. Gen.1:9-13. Why so important the ocean? While creating the oceans, God stocked them with salt necessary for man and animals that would soon appear. Oceans feed mankind with foods and plants and provide iodine that is essential in healing agencies. Plant life – Do you know He also categorized botany into three general divisions: grasses, herbs, and trees? Science perfectly agrees with these conclusions.
Fourth day – Sun, moon, and stars. Gen.1:14-19. Today scientist must observe and name all the stars in heaven because each star has unique and special different from others, some stars range in sizes. God wants us to see and educate us for everything that place Heaven and Earth. He wants us to learn everything. Everything that we see is nothing but educational. God implemented the solar system to govern seasons, and regulate time on the earth. That is why today it is easy for a mankind to tell the time. Simply, because, the people had invented the “wrist watch” to tell what time is it? Hahaha.
Do you realize the stars and heavenly bodies have been set for signs and season, all navigators will acclaim? Our farmers are very important for us today? Why? Farmers know that spring and its planting season is near when certain heavenly constellations begin to flame. Summer, spring, winter, and fall come in their exact order, days, months, and years the earth journeys through space and assume a certain definite position in relation to all other planets in the solar system. God just balance everything without the earth getting harm. The measurement, every angle degrees must precisely right in order the solar systems works in unity.
As we can see the entire cycle of organic life has been set to twelve hours of light for labor and twelve hours of rest. This is all planned of God and He set in motion before man appeared. Again, proof must be found outside the Bible; evidence that can substantiated and accepted. The proof of Science, History of God’s creations, Medicine, Archeology, and Dead Scroll God wants us to discover everything that He place heaven and earth. God allowed us to examine, to discover every detail of His own creation. This is all the facts of life. Truth of life that we can see the power of His might.
Fifth day – Sea creatures, birds, insects. Gen. 1:20-23. Can you imagine or to consider the vast numbers of orders, families, species, and varieties that fill the water and air, the waters began literally swarming with living creatures. Wow! Do you know today the great whales still exists today? The great whale’s today people trained them just to show to people what the whale performs and act to the audience. It is amazing. Is the Bible mentioned the great whales (more than one species)? Yes! Gen.1:21.
Do you know the mackerel lays about 500,000 eggs at once? If each egg would mature and multiply according in earth’s oceans, what would happen in ten years? We could walk from the continent to continent on the backs of living mackerel! God knew that man’s curiosity would compel him to study life under powerful (invention artificial lenses-man invented microscope in order for human eye can see the invisible things, every detail of human cells, animals, and etc) therefore God delicately and beautifully made every minute form of life. Amazing God!
God wrote everything in His own creation for a mankind to study His own creation to proved it that He is The Almighty God! The proof of His Creation, each species of trees, rocks, animals, the human body God wrote the law in order for us to discover everything that He place in Heaven and Earth. The spoken Word of God created all things, the proof must be found to His own creations. We examine, we verified, we discover all the proofs how God made everything in good order.
Sixth day – Cattle, reptiles, and beast, first man Adam. Gen. 1:24-31. We do know there so many animals and different kinds of species. I tell you the truth I will not able to tell them all. I do know there’s many more Adams (intelligent) all over the earth trying to discover all the different species of animals in every country and nations today. Do you know on this day, the earth brought forth three types of animals?
Cattle – (domestic animals that serve man sheep, cows, goats, horses, donkeys, and camels etc...Etc...
Beasts of the field (all wild animals and other four-footed animals.
Creeping things (they are called all reptiles)
We also know the sixth day was the creation of man. Everything previous was done in preparation for the human race to inhabit God’s beautiful earth. God made man and female.
Remember we are dust and dust shalt thou return. We started “dirt” and we will return “dirt” when we die as the Bible tells us in the book of….
Genesis 3:19 (KJV)
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
Body – is the temple (meeting place-communion with God which is called part of head between eyes and ear) in which the invisible spirit and soul live. Note: originally Adam is created In God’s image (means good law, good thought) of course, sin breaks communion with God. This is why there two law of our mind now between good law and evil law of my mind. Romans 7:22-23.
Spirit – is the real inner man; the parts that knows (between good law of the Spirit Romans 8:2 and evil law is called carnal mind is enmity against God Romans 8:7.)
Soul – is the mind (or intellect, seat of thought and memory the center of consciousness that generates feelings, ideas, perceptions, to stores knowledge, capacity of thinking, reasoning. The will and emotions that operates by the five senses of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling.
When Adam and Eve becomes a sinner…the first thing took over sin breaks communion with God. Why? The way of thinking personality changes the part of man was affected infected by the terrible death nature sin affects the spirit. The original Adam’s thought is now malnutrition because before Adam sinned, his intelligence was so superb, he was able to name the entire animal creation (Gen. 2:19-20) His mental powers of capacity were fully capable of ruling the earth.
According to the Medical science research now believes that few people use more than ten percent of their brainpower. The law of the carnal mind and spirit law of righteousness combined together. I believe at the end God has to separate those two images of mankind between good and evil law. The physical and spiritual deaths are mentioned in the Scriptures.
First death – Physical death (body made of dust) separates man’s spirit and soul from his body.
Second death –Spiritual death separates man’s spirit from God. This is between good law and evil law way of thinking of carnal mind. Second death is an eternal separation of man from God. The first Adam (his thought carnal mind Rom.5:12-15) created in a physical form. The second Adam (Jesus image nothing but good thoughts) created invisible form.
God created man and female in His own image (image of good!) Now, we can answer mankind that God he is male. The Son of God is Jesus Christ. There are many people today think God is a female because of the scriptures being said. All the time the scriptures tell us is all about between good thoughts and evil thoughts of image. Adam created (good thought –good image from the beginning since the sin breaks the communion with God because the image of Adam is no longer 100% good thoughts)
Col. 1:15 (KJV)
Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature?
Jesus said…
Luke 18:19 (KJV)
And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God.
Written by: Victoria
What can you discover about the facts of Trees? Find out! Let’s us research what the people has discover.
Genesis 2:9 (KJV)
And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight,
and good for food;
the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, (physical food)
and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. (Spiritual food)
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