Sunday, July 18, 2010

Being Warned of God in a Dream Part Four

Being Warned of God in a Dream Part Four

What do you know about dream? I don’t really know about dream until I start reading God’s word. Actually God can communicate with us in a dream. If we read the account of the Old Testament Law we can read some of the chosen people of God how God can communicate with them in a dream. Even today God still communicate with us in a dream.

In the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh:

As you can read this scripture in the book of Acts 2:17 it is written in the New Testament Law. Therefore the Old Testament Law and New Testament Law when it come God is ready to communicate with us never really changes. The Old and New still the same account on this piece of scriptures. Simply because the account of Joel 2:28 is an account of Old Testament Law. The setting of scriptures is actually pretty much remains the same in the book of Acts 2:17.

The only different from the account of book of Joel 2:28 says…”And it shall come to pass afterward,” Let us read the account of book of Acts 2:17 “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God,”

Let us read the account of Acts since this is a New Testament Law that we live in new generations which is today. Ok. Let us break it down every each one of them…

Some will what? Prophesy

Some will what? See visions

Some will what? Dream dreams

Acts 2:17 (KJV) And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God,I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

This is actually how God can communicate with an individual today’s generation as we read the scriptures in the book of Acts. Some of the people today’s generation God will use them to prophesy, and some will be use by God to see visions, some of us God will use as and communicate with us in a dream.

But, I am not going to limit God abilities how to communicate to all of us. We do know God even use the donkey to speak to Balaam. If you know your bible you do know what I am talking about, if you never heard that before you might want to read your entire bible see what was going on …on those time. God even use the burning bush to Moses in order to communicate with him.

Again, if you don’t know who is Balaam you can read the book of Numbers, Joshua, Neh., Micah, 2 Peter, Jude, and the book of Revelation 2:14 the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. Possibilities those types of nasty spirits still happening today are generations. Because God have a few things against it!

Many people in the Old Testament and New Testament God uses this special people for His Kingdom in order to communicate with them. I will mention some of them and then I will tell you about my dreams maybe you can share yours as well if you like.

This is the way God communicate with people:

Genesis 20:3 God came to Abimelech in a dream by night…

Genesis 31:11 the angel of God spake to Jacob in a dream…

Genesis 31:24 God came to Laban the Syrian in a dream by night…

Genesis 37:5-10 Joseph dreamed a dream about the sun, moon, and the eleven stars made obeisance to Joseph.

We do know about Joseph that he suffered so many things; he was sold by his own brothers to Egypt. But, God blesses him to become a Governor of Egypt after he interprets the dream of the butler and the baker of the king of Egypt. Gen.40:5.

One thing about Joseph he acknowledges the power of God saying…do not interpretations belong to God? Gen.40:8.

This is one thing we need to remember even though you have no knowledge of God if…God wants to use you He will use you for His Kingdom just to sent the messages for people about what is taking place. As we can read the scriptures the baker and the butler they are not aware about the power of God. We do know Joseph is aware about God’s power. Even though Joseph suffered in his life God made him a governor over the land of Egypt according to Genesis 45:26.

Daniel had a dream and visions of his head upon his bed. Read 7:1

And also we do know the Joseph the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph thou son of David, fear not to take unto the Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.

As we can read the entire Bible this is how God communicate with mankind. When God gives warning He also appeared in a dream just like in the book of Matthew 2:12 and being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod.

Did not matter who you are if God wants to use you He will come to you in a dream regardless you are butler, baker, governor, or whatever your positions is. Some of the dreams are warning so we really need to take this seriously and apply it to our life. The most very important “ASK GOD”

I am going to share my dreams and vision that what I saw in my dream and what I see in a vision inside the building of the church way back of my life. Some of the visions and dreams are hard to understand not unless we take it seriously and “ASK GOD DIRECTLY” because the very deep secret only God can make us understand the interpretations like He gave Daniel and Joseph the deep secret interpretations. The warning to those leaders!

Victoria’s Dreams and Visions South Carolina:

South Carolina is where I was baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ Acts 2:38-40. I was told the name of Jesus Christ must pronounce in the baptism. I had a great leader good man very knowledgeable in law of Christ. I had learned lots of stuff in the Bible and also, I continue to learn more and more, I never stop learning even today. Little about me I love writing. I love to write what was happening surrounding me. That’s me! Probably if you go see me you will see a bunch of notes in my living room, bedroom, and even the kitchen I write things in my notes if the Lord gives me some scriptures and then I look it up. That’s me!

When I was in South Carolina I had dreamed a flying serpent. In my dream I saw a bunch of snakes chasing me. And then there is a voice tells me to go to the border and stay there. The voice was telling me not to place my feet in other side of the border while I was running away from those bunch of snakes. And then when I look back those bunches of snakes they became flying serpents. When I got to the border those flying serpents they could not harm me because there is wall that is invisible to my eyes but somehow I can see and I know it was invisible and that somehow they could not get in. But, I try to place my feet on the other side see if they can attack me. As soon as I place my feet to the other side is about to get me but, I moved my feet back to the border and they could not harm me. The border and wall is my protection as long I’m inside the wall that the voice told me to do. I did stays on the border and wall of protection.

That time this dreamed I really don’t know anything about the interpretation number one I was knew in the Lord. But this dreamed always kept it in my mind. I can never forget this type of dream. Regardless you believe me or not this dreamed that I dream bears in my mind and also got so strong years go by. Somehow God keeps reminding me about this dreamed of mine.

Can you imagine this flying serpent is in the Bible? It is written in the book of …

Isaiah 14:29 (KJV) Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent.

Isaiah 59:5 (KJV) They hatch cockatrice' eggs, and weave the spider's web: he that eateth of their eggs dieth, and that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper.

Believe me or not I really did not check in to this one because that time I wasn’t really aware about God’s communication. So I kind a set it aside for awhile but the more I set it aside about this dreamed seems like it is getting it to me very strong especially now. When I look the Wikipedia encyclopedia I saw this flying serpent in the wall located in Belvedere Castle sits upon Vista Rock, Central Park NY. It is the same flying serpent that I dreamed way back in South Carolina.

In my dream I saw… this bunch of flying serpents. According to the dictionary the cockatrice is a half-serpent, half cock; kills with glance. I really don’t know what is really meant right now as far as I know those flying serpent they are laying eggs everywhere because in my dreamed they are so many of them flying around they are ready to kill. This type of cockatrice they are very poisonous. But one thing I know the border of Edom they are the border of wickedness according to the word of Malachi.1:4.

In my dreamed I saw this border but God has not revealed it to me yet where is that border is, but the flying serpent God allowed me to see the identical vision that I saw in that encyclopedia. Actually it gives me eerie bumps.

I had so many dreams and visions that I can share it in part 5 please bear with me. I have to place this one in my next writing in part five. So I thought just to share this for you. God shows things to us very mystery sometimes in our life but one thing I know God’s protection it is in my side. I love Him so much than ever.

Continue…Part Five

Written by: Victoria