Sunday, July 29, 2012

Who is the LORD?

Who is the LORD? Jesus is the LORD! Do you know there are so many prophesies that Jesus fulfilled between Old Testament Law and New Testament Law. This is one of them must recognize the earth is the LORD according to the book of Psalms 24:1 says....

"The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein."

Do you know the earth contains many healing power and vitamins for human body? Yap! That is why Jesus fulfilled the spiritual healing as well. If you say LORD to Jesus...basically you recognize the earth contains many healing to our body. That is why God Himself to give us the dietary laws to eat veggies, and herbs for the healing for your body. Jesus can also perform spiritual healing the words that He speaks can heal the wounds.

Do you know Jesus commanded us to feed the sheep? Is the same command the Old Testament God feeding the sheep. God started one nation first in order to recognize the God of Israel. Today the name of Jesus is very well known to that particular place where God Himself chosen place His name. Where? Jerusalem! Tithe and various offering must offer to those chosen gates only for what reason in order the name of our God will recognize today's generation.

Tithes given to the Levi, stranger, fatherless, and widow sounds familiar Jesus spoke about ordering the apostles to feed the sheep.

"that they may eat within thy gates"
Deut. 26:12

Jesus is the Gate of Lion of Judah.
"And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, IS THE LORD's: it is holy unto the Lord"

God choose the place to cause his name to dwell.
Deut. 12:11
"Then there shall be a place which the Lord your God shall choose to cause his name to dwell there;"

Deut. 12:13
"Take heed to thyself that thou offer not thy burnt offering in every place that thou seest:"

God chosen twelve gates for Himself in order for us to recognize the "NAME OF JESUS" the name of  Jesus is now officially sealed both Old Testament and New Testament Law meaning Heaven and Earth recognize the name of Jesus. Earthly Jerusalem where the tithes and offering started now Jesus fulfilled both laws the Spiritual Jerusalem is now can be revealed in the last book of Revelation called the New Jerusalem the "Throne of God."

What did Jesus say? John 14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
The Old Testament God chosen twelve gates which are the twelve tribes of Israel and Jesus chosen twelve apostles which are the twelve walls as the book of Revelation describes

Rev. 19:4 And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia.

In order for you to have a Mansions in Heaven Jesus Christ must place those gates in order for you to know where the location of Heaven and Earth physical and spiritual Jerusalem. Physical Jerusalem God marked all the city of gates, Jesus fulfills the law the location of Jerusalem because the name of the Father send his name called...Jesus name must reside to Jerusalem that is the "final resting place name of God" where God record his name. Exodus 20:24.

The book of Ezkiel names all the gates of God where they place all the various offering including the tithings read Ezekiel 48. The New Testament God sealed the Twelve gates of Israel and Twelve foundations of the twelve walls by Jesus Christ. Revelation 7.

Jesus is chosen the gate of Judah Rev.7:5. Jesus chosen this tribe called the order of Melchisedec Hebrew 7:21 Remember Jesus sealed the "Order of Aaron" that is the tribe of Levi where all the tithes and offering begin.

Jesus is the Healer physical earth. Who is the earth? The earth is the LORD. All the herbs can be found healings in our body that is why the earth is the LORD!

Do you know Jesus mention the ...Tithe of Cumin, Tithe of Anise, Tithe of Mint. Matthew 23:23. Tithe is the produce of the land.

Leviticus 27:30
"And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, IS THE LORD's: it is holy unto the Lord.

Hebrew 7:11 The order of Aaron-Levi Rod Tithe is now sealed because Jesus Christ is the High Priest forever because Jesus chosen to rise after the order of Melchisedec NOT the order of Aaron the Levi.  The Tithe is the Rod of God. It is now the Rod of Iron! God started the Tree of Life it will end Tree of Life!
Someday we will enter in through the"Gates" into the City Revelation 22:14.

The chosen twelve gates Revelation 21:12 Tribes of Israel
The chosen twelve wall Revelation 21:14 Twelve apostles of the Lamb.

Tithe Blood can redeemed us! Tithe money cannot redeemed us!

Jesus is the Main Door of Judah's Gate that is the only gate you and I we are going to enter! If your gate is unknown to God that is not the right gate! Jesus is the way...He is the only Gate you are going to enter!

One of this day we are all going to "ENTER TO HIS GATES" Revelation 22:14 says..."Enter in through the Gates into the city"

Revelation 21:25
"The gates of it shall not be shut"
Do you know which gates you are going to enter in? As a reminder there are many gates of hell! Did you obey the commandment of God? Obey the rules of the law of God never violates those chosen gates. We must teach it exactly what is says! Do you recognize the gates of God? If not you better check it out! Don't let one man sits in a Temple telling you what to do. You must observe and teach the law of Christ! Only blood of the Lamb of God can redeemed us! Tithe money cannot bleed!

Revelation 22:14
"Blessed are they that do his commandment, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city"

Can you cannot choose to place your tithe or various offering in different places are claiming the Order of Aarom the Levi! If is not the chosen gates of God is NOT the right gates!

It takes Blood of Christ to Redeem us!
Tithe of the Lamb of God!
Not...not...not...Not Tithe Money!
Tithe money cannot bleed!
Do you beleive Jesus is the Lamb of God?
Written by: Victoria