Saturday, December 31, 2011

The key of blessing it’s inside of you

The key of blessing it’s inside of you
Have you noticed there are many people wants blessing or asking for a blessing from God at all times. Some people they even have all those sayings such as if you buy black eyes peas or cabbage you supposed to have money all year round.  The old saying says…you will never encounter being broke. Oh please! Let us put this old saying will ya! Let us dwell in a reality as Jesus told us to do. Simple instructions just the way Jesus wants us to do.  Jesus said…my yoke is what? Easy! We are all commanded to work all of us including the highest leader in the world and include your pastor. If you don’t work….You're not going to eat!
How easy can it be? Very simple the key word is what? “Obey” Jesus instructions you can never be wrong and you can never fail that is easy simple as a pie! Sometimes the easy instructions can make us difficult to obey the simple way.

Jesus Christ commanded “all of us” what? Forgive others and bless them that curse you simple as a pie right? Mmmm….sometimes the simplicity of Christ can be difficult for all of us. I will have to admit that for myself. Is not very easy… believe it or not. Hey! I am trying like everybody else at least gives me a credit ok. I guess we “grow” in grace learning little here and there. You know over the years I have to research all of these formulas of Christ it really does work it release the protection of God in my life that is the benefit being obedient in His law!

Can you imagine if a person did really badly to you especially behind your back uhhhhh and God commanded us to forgive uhhhh again? That type of command sometimes it is very impossible for us to do. Maybe some of us have many reasons why we cannot forgive because there many meant people they just think badly and harming us left and right.
Maybe we can mentioned one example a person did us wrong from the past let see ….maybe you serve God for over eighteen years you did a lots of things to help the physical church you are faithful giving your tithes and offering from the past…one day your very best friend say something like this….saying you are going to bottom of the earth because you didn’t go to the physical church at least one week now. And then, you got hurt because your reason is…why the leader can go vacation three times a year and you only miss one week not attending church and they tell you…you are going to the bottom of the earth. I just kind a say it nicely “hell” Wow! Our reason where is the grace of God in that area? Maybe you have worst reason than this one. Of course what about those eighteen years we serve can God subtract the one week and give us some credit? Mmmm…you know even the human law give us some kind a little reward if do a little good? Think about it? How much more if you are under the “Grace” of Christ? Huh?

Ok let us cut this feeling bad to yourself and others ok if you really want blessing the instruction of Christ is very simple and easy we just have to yield to this type of instruction and obey His law. Otherwise, if we go to church every single day in a physical church but we can never really try to forgive others might as well not going to those physical church otherwise you and I we just mocking the word of God and we are not really going nowhere. We are just really fooling our own selves. We are getting madder and affect our love ones!  Let us get this real will ya! Honesty is one of the commands of God if you know what I mean?
There are some things we need to know what is “forgive really means?” Forgive really means the truth shall make you free John 8:22. Remember we are no longer under the Law of Moses we are under the grace of Christ, Jesus. John 1:17 for the law was given through Moses; and grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. Jesus forgives all our sins!

You must forgive yourself first in order the channel of blessing will come to you. When you forgive yourself and you can also forgive others what’s that mean the spirits of forgiveness it release the blessing of God. You will be free from those spiritual tortures in your life. The key of blessing it’s in your hearts actually you are really holding it your hands.
Remember the truth already written in your hearts by the Spirit of God, shall make you free from guilt, sin, misery, and the device of Satan’s tricks! Satan is a great motivator of evil! Do not use your freedom as a cover up for evil; let us live as servants of God according to I Peter 2:16.

Remember when you forgive others it doesn’t mean you can stop not saying the truth of the Gospel of Christ. Sometimes when we have a love ones we want to tell them the truth of the law of God it can be hindrance to our walk with God simply because we haven’t have a chance to tell them the whole truth they already rejected the word of God. We want them to be saving right away. Remember the children of Israel God have to teach this people for 40 years they still rebels and not doing the law of God. Today just turn on your television all you can hear is bad stuff to those areas they love to kill people and harming people. They continue rebelling today. How much more for us today?
The formula of blessing very simple…you must tell the truth of the Gospel, do not add or diminish His law. Makes sure everything Jesus says…must connect to the Old and New Testament law. I Peter 3:9 Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. Luke 6:28 Bless them that curse you, and pray for those who insult you. Love your enemies (by telling the truth) and pray for those who persecute you. Matthew 5:44.

Love your enemies…by telling the truth of the law of Christ. In general…Tell them the financial guidelines, feed the poor, and tell them the guideline about the dietary law good for your health, teach and observe according to Jesus instruction. Jesus Christ is our Tithe of the Lamb. Tithe of the Lamb must bleed. The tithe-money cannot bleed! Without shedding blood …there is no remission of sins! Tell the whole truth …that’s how we love our enemies spoken what is Right!
Written by: Victoria

Friday, December 30, 2011

Let your light shine...

Let your light shine…
This decorations I just made something to think about. While
I was decorating this center piece I have notice no matter what we do in life
our candle God given us will always shine.
No matter how clutter that surrounding us the light will always
shine because we only have one purpose in life.
Sometimes our surrounding has so many thistle and thorns surrounding
us but there is a beauty in the midst of it. When our lights begin to shine in
darkness everything is beautiful surrounding us.

The bible tells us …let your light so shine before men, that
they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
God can only send us to those who are truly in need because
if there is no need where we going there is none for us to do? Same way with
God, God came to the sinners because they are sick. If there is no sickness
there is nothing to save.
God gave us light in order for us to shine to others. No
matter how clutter our surrounding us our light still shine. No matter how dark
our surrounding our light still shining just like this clutter decorations I just
made as a center piece.
In the middle of the clutter of this world regardless your
job, your household, your friends if we only think whatsoever is true,
whatsoever is noble, whatsoever is right, whatsoever is pure, whatsoever is
lovely, whatsoever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about
such things. Phil.4:8.
Our light will always shine when we think all the praise of
truth towards God. No matter how clutter surrounding us.
Written by: Victoria

Be creative like me

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Are you a Royal Family??

Have you question yourself why you are here in this earth?  Do you know you got family in Heaven they are Royal Family? Do you believe Jesus died for you in order to give you the inheritance as a Royal Family?  Do you know Jesus is the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS? Is this hard for you to accept that He is your Father in Heaven own all the Heavenly Host including the Earth? 

If Jesus is the KING OF KINGS ...what is this tells you? YOU are a Princess and Prince in God's eyes! Not only that YOU are the original Princess and Prince ...You are a what? Royal Priesthood!

Do you know when God calls us to go home YOU are going to wear the Crown of Life? Only one requirement believe with faith that He established His Word Heaven and Earth. You must believe you are a child of KING! Jesus died on Calvary to take away the sins of the world only takes Royal Blood to take away your sins. When Jesus apply the Royal Blood to you and you accept Him as your Redeemer are now a Royal Family in His Kingdom!

Do you know He also prepares a place for you in Heaven? Do you know you have a mansion in heaven? Do you know also there are twelve pearly gates in heaven? Do you know the foundation of the  walls are made of precious stones?   

How many stones that you can count and you can name here in this earth? The most famous one here in this earth...diamond, rubies, pearl, garnet and etc...etc...etc...

Have you read the Book of Revelation what he saw? Read it the entire book of Revelation you will be surprised how important you are in God's eyes! Read it for yourself not kidding!

Written by: Victoria

Friday, November 25, 2011

Victoria's Hobbies

My hobby take pictures in different places. I love the Mother nature such as mountain, flowers, trees, sewing clothes, curtain and crafts. I love taking pictures that everything that I do that way I can look back what the LORD given me in that particular year, months, and day. I love to count every blessing that God given me. God is good to me daily He loaded me with His benefits. I love Him very much!

Recipe: Garlic with Honey Cheddar Biscuits

*3 cup flour
*2 tsp baking powder
*1/4 tsp cream of tartar
*1/4 tsp sugar
*1/4 salt
*1 1/2 stick butter [cube]
*1 cup cheddar cheese
*1 1/2 cup milk
*Garlic Powder [as much as you want]
*chop parsley
*2 or three tsp. honey
Mix and the ingredients. No need to knead just use fork to mix it good. Bake 450 degrees - 15-20 minutes or until golden brown. You can also use muffin container ...drop it and use tablespoon.

Victoria Recipe 
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Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Gospel to the Gentiles

The Gospel to the Gentiles

Jesus Christ fulfilled the two Law one is Old Testament Law and one is the New Testament Law. The Old Testament Law requires “Tithe of the Blood of the Lamb” must offer to those chosen gates of God. The second is the New Testament Law Jesus fulfilled the “Tithe of the Blood of the Lamb” He is the Main Door of Judah. Jesus fulfilled both Covenants once and for All! Tithes and various offering require Blood both Old and New Testament! That is the main reason we have twelve gates and twelve walls in Heaven. Read the entire book of Revelation talks about more Heaven in every detail what John saw.

That is why God enlarge the Japheth nation that is including the Americas today. And also, the scepter of Judah will not depart from it. Why? Jesus is the Scepter of Judah. Jesus has to fulfill this type of Scepter for Himself. Jesus came out of Judah’s Tribe. “The scepter shall not depart from Judah” Genesis 49:10. Jesus said… Think not that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. Matthew 5:17.

Jesus fulfill this type of the Law…Genesis 9:27 “God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tenth of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.  Reading the Genesis chapter 10 is the access to the Gentiles nations.  Remember Noah’s has three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood. 

In order for us to understand the New Testament Law the book of Acts read the whole chapter ten is the access the beginning of the Church for the Gentiles. So before we read the New Testament in the book of Acts we must read the Old Testament Law in order for us why Jesus Christ fulfills this type of Law.

The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshec, and Tiras. And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah. And the sons of Javan; Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim, “By these were the isles of the GENTILES divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations Gen. 10:1-2.

The book of Daniel is the most important today’s History of all mankind Daniel 2:31-33 tells us the times of the Gentiles simply because one King his name Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream that gives us the access of the nations God is the revealer of secrets according to Daniel 2:47. The dream of Nebuchadnezzar’s a great image …Head of Gold located in Babylon, Breast and Arms of Silver located Medo-Persian, The belly and thighs of brass somewhere in Greece, Legs of Iron …they are Roman, the feet of Iron and clay the revived Roman Empire, of course, the STONE-JESUS CHRIST.

In order for us to understand the Stone-Jesus Christ is to go back the dream of Jacob. Jacob is the original name of Israel. Let us read the dream of Jacob. Genesis 28:12. “And he dreamed, and beholds a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it. As you can see by reading the scriptures the Earthly Jerusalem is connected to the Heavenly Jerusalem. Jerusalem is where God Himself to place His Name-Jesus! We must understand all the connection of the scriptures they are all pertaining to our Jesus as the Messiah in order to redeem us from this wicked world that is the whole plan of Salvation. It requires “Royal Blood of God” in order for us to be called…”Royal Priesthood in God’s Kingdom” I want to be in a Royal Family bloodline.

In order for us to be in a Royal Family we must “carry His Name-Jesus” everywhere we go”  The Covenant of Levi “carry the Ark of the Covenant” Jesus is our Ark of the Covenant today”  I Chronicles 15:26 the Levites that bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD, that they offered seven bullocks and seven rams. As you can see and read it …It requires Blood of the Animals! Jesus identified as the “Lamb of God” John 1:29. The Tithe of the Lamb! Tithe requires blood not tithe money!

Did Jesus fulfill Jacob Ladder …this type of scriptures of the law? Yap! Jesus said…”And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man. John 1:51”

John 3:13 Jesus identified Himself…saying….”And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven”  Jesus the Son of Man has come down from heaven.

Do you know where the Main Gate of God when God calls you to go home? I do! The Main Door of Judah’s Gate. Jesus is the Lion of Judah!

Written by: Victoria

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Are you offended?

Are you offended?
Are you offended when someone tells you that you never heard before from someone who is little in your level? Sometimes when you’re little in God’s eyes better chance to tell the whole world how you feel before God. When a person became great and became popularity he or she no longer listening to those little tiny messages of others.

The problem here they are no longer willing to be taught by others simply they are little lower servant of God. Remember King Saul he was the most little in the sight of men as powers speak but when he became famous no longer listening to Samuel. Is it happening today’s world yap!

The problem some of God’s children if you’re not the same page of their teaching you’re not welcome to their door even though you sat in their own congregation. They can raise their hand as high as can gets but when the service is over they forget the entire message.

The entire of message as a servant is low your level position regardless they are high or low position in your eyes. Jesus took the position of a form of a Servant. A Servant is the lowest position in God’s kingdom yet God became popular today. The word of God still exist today simply because He made Himself little lower than the angels. Heb.2:7

Sometimes God wants to use you even though you are lowest servant just bring the message to the people of God. If they are not listening only God can take an action to lower those people as a high rank in the Kingdom of God. The tragic event the life of Saul when he became famous in the sight of men he forget all about the “obedient” word.

Most of us know the story about King Saul how he disobey God’s law I Samuel 15: 22 obey is better than sacrifice. What Saul did rebel against God wishes? Verse 23 The Bible says…”For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft” Saul took the all the spoil, sheep and oxen he did the opposite what he was been told by Samuel. God very displease!

Same way today…if God told us not to use the Rod of Moses claiming the tithe of Rod of Aaron it is violation today because those tithe can only offered to those chosen gates of God in order for Jesus Christ to fulfill the law. Our Rod today is in the name of Jesus Christ. We are no longer using stick as they do in the Old Testament law. Today we have the Rod of Iron which is Jesus is the Rod of Iron.

So do not offended when God doesn’t want you use the Rod of Aaron. Your rod now is in the name of Jesus much simpler than the Old Testament Law. You don’t have to offer bulls and goat as they did back then. All you have to do now is to obey His law and lift up your hands and praise the Lord. Do not be offended when someone tells you a person little lower than you! You never know God has a important message for you even though the person is not that important to your eyes level.

“A man’s pride brings him low, but a man of lowly spirit gains honor” Prov.29:23.

“He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble” Luke 1:52

We can never say never that you always on top as a ruler according the word of God never neglect lowest rank it happen in the old generation…it will also happen today’s generation.

Written by: Victoria

Victoria’s says Heaven means Science called knowledge

Victoria’s says Heaven means Science called knowledge

The Spiritual Warfare between Good versus Evil started in Heaven. Do you know the war started in Heaven? Why God has to design the walls and choose His own gates? Simply because we do know there are so many gates of hell. Lucifer the beautiful angel creates this mess if only Lucifer didn’t “Rebel” against God it would not happen this way.

We do know God made Lucifer the second command instead Lucifer is not satisfied to his second rank position. He wanted to be the first in command. Lucifer wants the first in command trying to take away the Rod of God.

Probably, this is the main reason why God has to choose the twelve gates for Himself in order to establish His name to this particular nation called Israel nation.  God started the physical Jerusalem to choose twelve gates they are identified twelve tribes of Israel and of course, Jesus Christ fulfilled the law of the Covenant of Levi in order to connect the twelve walls called twelve apostles.

The foundation of Christ can be traced downed to the twelve tribes and twelve apostles every name that are mentions through the History can be traced down. The seed of the woman tells us further information Isa. 7:14 and Gal. 4:4. The Good Image of God is called Spirit and of course God Himself design His own Image called The Second Adam.

The Second Adam must fulfilled the promise that has been prophesied “…Behold a virgin, shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel” Isa.7:14 “But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his son, made of a woman, made under the law” Gal.4:4.

Jesus Christ “Flesh” made under the law. Understand the third dispensation is the beginning of nations and languages it is all pertaining to the Human Government. We do know God destroy the human race in the days of Noah. Remember Noah’s has three sons called Shem, Ham, and Japheth. This three people are divided in three major lineages or you can say the origin of all nations, races today. The questions here who are lineage are you?

Are you lineage of Shem? Are you lineage of Ham? Are you lineage of Japheth? The only way you can find out about your lineage is where God set those three sons of Noah. Shem is more located eastward to Asia and Assyria.  Japheth lineage primary settled somewhere in north and west in Europe that is includes the Americas. What about the sons of Ham? Ham lineage can be located in warmer climates somewhere southward to the warmer area such as in Arabia, and continent of Africa.  The sons of Ham meaning burning heat climates.

The questions here where did Jesus lineage? Jesus Christ is the lineage of Shem simply because Semitic people in the east from whom the Jewish race. That is why there is a scriptures Jesus says…before Abraham was, I am John 5:8.

Have you noticed? Jerusalem is the main attraction today world. Why? Simply because God Himself must established His name and chose the City of Jerusalem Physical Earth of course, again the purpose for this reason God Himself must place The Holy City of Jerusalem in where? In Heaven as you can see there is physical and spiritual foundation of God Himself in order for us to recognize the Main proper place where God telling us the location under His name must recognize today. That is why Jesus Christ fulfilled between two law made of a woman the Israel refers of a made of a woman called Earth. The other law made of Spiritual Law of Christ that Spiritual Heavenly place called The City of Jerusalem. That is why the name of Jesus recognizes between two laws Heaven and Earth.

The Hebrew lineage God chosen people is the channel or access where God Himself gave the Order of Melchisedec a channel that the Redeemer called Saviour of the world would come to earth. The earth known as a witness, they are witness about God’s people through the Israel nation because they are chosen by God.

Gentiles become Abraham’s heir that is including us today. “And if ye be Christ’s then are ye Abraham seed, and heirs according to the promise” Gal.3:1-29. The Covenant Blood Jesus Christ fulfilled this type of law in order to redeem us simple as that!

If I ask you today where is your home? Did God give you the direction and location of the Spiritual Jerusalem? Yap! Jesus say it Himself I am the way….the Old and New Testament God place the physical and spiritual location in order for all human race recognize the NAME! The only different between Old and New law gates …the eleven sealed by God and He open the Main Door of Gate of Judah for the Gentiles. Jesus had chosen the Gate of Judah that is the main DOOR! Gentiles become Abraham’s Heirs Gal. 3:1-29; Romans 4:3-5; Col.2:11-12.

“The LORD had said, in Jerusalem shall my name be forever” 2 Chronicles 33:4. What is this mean? The LORD from the Old Testament Law basically place His Name. That is why God has name! That name Heaven and Earth recognize today! That is the Name of Jesus Christ! The Prophecies is now had been fulfilled by Jesus Christ both Old and New Testament Law God sent forth his Son-Flesh, made of a woman, made under the law. The Earth is called a woman made under the law also known as witness of the Earth.

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called ….



The mighty God,

The everlasting Father,

The Prince of peace. Isa. 9:6

Did the Hebrew 11:3 had been fulfilled? Yap! How? Through faith we understand that the worlds were FRAMED BY THE WORD OF GOD, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appeared. Ephesians 2:11-22. “The household of God; and are built upon the foundation of the apostles, prophets” Did God from the Old Testament chosen twelve tribes called prophets? Yap! Did Jesus chosen twelve apostles? Yap! Now you can understand all these scriptures had been provided by prophets and apostles.

Let us read Revelation 4:10 Do you know there are twenty four elders fall down worshiping the Lamb of God? Who are these twenty four elders? Let us do the math shall we. The twelve tribes of Israel and plus twelve apostles equals to twenty four elders. Walla!

Revelation 21:12 Twelve gates known as twelve tribes of Israel also known they are angels.

Revelation 21:14 twelve walls known as twelve apostles of the Lamb. Who is the Lamb? Jesus is the Lamb of God.

When we say Heaven means what? Science!

Written by: Victoria

Sunday, October 09, 2011

If God is for us, who can be against us?

If God is for us, who can be against us?

Romans 8:3 what shall we say to those things? “If God is for us, who can be against us? Many people abuse these scriptures without really learning the law of God that He established to One Nation. Many claim these scriptures to abused mankind. Evidently, they think if you live as a Christian inside the box of the building you are saved. That is really wrong motives of Christianity.

Remember God is fair and square. You must follow the guidelines no matter what you claimed to be regardless you are chosen one nation or not. Do really realize how God deal with mankind in the Old Testament? If you just read the whole nine yards of the Old Testament Law people way back then get punished by God why? Simply, because they mess up the law of God they think it is because they are chosen people and peculiar people God is not going to punished them not so! God always go by His own rules the Law that He established when He gave it to Moses. I hate to tell you now, is not going to change today. That law remains the same no matter what!

The law of God set up the….

Financial guidelines back then and remain the same today. Deut. 28:13 / Romans 8:13 God wants you Head not Tail.

Moral guidelines remain the same today. Deut. 22:5. Interchange of apparel between sexes.

Dietary guideline remains the same today. Leviticus 11:1-47; 17:10-14.

Teach the children to worship in One God remain the same today. Deut. 6:4-9.

There are two types of Abominations one is referring to God and one is referring to mankind. The only one thing we need to focus about the abominations to God. We do know the unclean animals from the Old Testament are abominations to you. Today you can probably eat everything that abomination that is unclean from the Old Testament is not going to mess you up except those unclean animals some carry diseases that is why God trying to stop us from eating to those types of unclean animals. Probably, the Scientist can more prove it to you more than I do. The affect of those unclean animals causes heart attack, high blood pressure, and etc…etc...Etc.

The Moral guidelines are the most carry diseases the interchange sexes carry more diseases that are incurable disease. God demonstrates intense displeasure toward certain actions there are seven abominations that mentions in the book of Deuteronomy, the Lord said, “This is an abomination to ME” Always these are gross moral sins. 

Seven-Abominations to ME …Deuteronomy

Graven Image 7:25

Human Sacrifices 12:31

A defective animal’s sacrifice 17:1

Witchcraft and spiritism 18:10-12.

Religious Prostitution 23:18

The other abominations toward God are pride, lying tongues, murder, sowing discord, and a forward heart. Proverbs 6:16-19; 11:20; 12:22. God knows our physical body can only live so long some can live thirty years, some can only live one day, and some can live one second.

Let us talk about the Dietary laws? Why God forbidden not to eat blood or fat? Leviticus 3:17 Probably today the Medical science now agrees that the cholesterol in fat is responsible for high blood pressure, can results in heart attack, or stroke of mankind.

What shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:3. In other words if we follow guidelines these things will not cause us a big problem. God’s word protected us through His words God knows those unclean animals can cause damage to our health. Such as shellfish-shrimp, lobsters, crabs and oysters are considered unclean in the Old Testament law. Today, probably the scientist has a way to take care the problem that causes the problem because they find out can cause human to fail. God wants you to prolong your life that is why God given us these types of guidelines. According to Deut. 5:33.

Matthew 15:11 Jesus Christ remind us what defile a man…come out of the mouth, this is defile a man. Remember the Old Testament goeth into the mouth defileth a man such as unclean animals that you eat.  But, Jesus rather you eat than saying corrupt communication to others that is the big difference from Old and New Testament Law.

What shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? In other words if you kindly say good things to others more than likely God is with you no man can against you if you do the things which is good. That is why the book of James 3:8 but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. 

Jesus makes it clear, what defile a man ….what comes out of your mouth, this is defiling a man. Matthew 15:11.  In other words one word we say can create a war, discord for others, can also affect our spirituality. That’s how powerful the word we speaks. Romans 3:13 “Their throats are open graves. With their tongues they deceive. The venom of poisonous snakes is under their lips. This is how the New Testament describes the bad spiritual food same as bad physical food in the Old Testament called “UNCLEAN”

We already know God is a Good Image…If we wear the good image of God in our life more than likely what shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?  Mark 10:18 Jesus said…”Why do you call me good? There is none good but one, that is God. If we are going to represent God inside of you we should follow the good.

Written by: Victoria

How God does protect you?

How God does protect you?

Many people don’t believe in God that is very understanding. You cannot make believe one person to your own belief if you are using your own religious belief. Religion is not of God idea. Living for God is not a religion it is called Law of God. The law of God set the foundation beginning to those chosen nations called twelve tribes of Israel.

The only protection that they have is to follow the rules of God called Law that He provided way back to the Ancient times and of course, Jesus Christ must meet the qualification for all those law of Moses in order to continue the law of that He set up to those Ancient law. Did Jesus fulfill the law? Yap! Yes indeed! That is why our protection is guided by God today.

You are defend less when you teach partial law of Christ regardless you believe the scriptures or not. Partial law means teaching partial not giving the whole law to the person who hears it. You know…they got to right to know about God’s law.

If you are a Leader and trying to protect your nation, people, small community, small group of businesses, or whatever you call it and name your ideas you must submit to the “Highest Authority” that is God! Why? Anytime you are in trouble God can rescue regardless big or small situation. People cannot argue the law if you are using God’s law. They have to answer it directly from God. If God takes the actions no one else can be blame that is the whole idea why God set up the law of His own. That is the whole idea defend on God you got the whole package of protection. Is the scriptures tells us that? Yap! Yes indeed!

Your self defense…when you “Obey” God’s law…just to remind you again…you are defend less when you don’t follow the guidelines of Christ that is the whole plan of God to be obedient in His law.

God protect, to secure, to maintain against force of argument, one’s enemies …in general situation God will take the action not you. You are protected when you cry out to God all you have to do to remind God you did all you can do to obey His law now, let Him do the job when people come against you that is the whole idea being protected by God.

What is the book of Psalm 20:1 has to say about it? “The LORD hear in the day of trouble; the name of the God of Jacob (Israel nation which is the chosen tribes of Israel today) defend thee”

Did Jesus quote the scriptures from the Old Testament law? Yes indeed! Matthew 22:32 “I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob (who is Jacob? The God of Israel…Jacob is the original name of Israel) He is not the God the dead, but of the living” Did Jesus rise after three days on the cross? Yap! That is why He is the Living God of Israel!

Some of us has been accused for something we didn’t do…some of us end up in court issue simply because the Father of Lies accusing God’s children in different ways in order to downgrading God’s Kingdom. Not so, God always in control when it comes in Judgments. God hears, listen to the cry of righteous that walks upright to God the good thing about this situation God is your Protection in all kind of manner of accuser of brethren. Remember Jesus Christ was accused as well how much more when they accuse us? Mmmm….

Let’s read what Jesus has to say about the scriptures shall we? Luke 12:1 “And when they bring you unto the synagogues, and unto magistrates, [magistrates a person who has power to put the laws into force-which man made law NOT of God laws] take you no thought how or what thing you shall  answer, or what you shall say: [Phil.2:21 says…for all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ]

The Bible says…”Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others” I Cor. 10:24. We must realize God has His own Law. We must also recognize mankind made their own law not unless they follow God’s law. Reminder if man made their own law more than likely there is NO protection. Regardless, they give us the protection plan written by man called “Policy” If we follow God’s Policy more than likely you are protected in “Situation of Life” that’s the Word of God says!

Regardless what you believe people ordering you around …If you can’t pass people ordering you around….”You will never pass God’s order” hahahaa. Sorry, God only can order me around the path we choose it’s up to you. You got to right to know God’s rules! If you want God’s protection be in His side. If you want man made protection that is the scary part. Only one whip of the nature the entire of your investment is all gone! That is why we need God in our side!

Written by: Victoria

Monday, September 05, 2011

The Rod of God is in the Name of Jesus

The Rod of God is in the Name of Jesus

The Tabernacle from the Old Testament contains so many rules. The place is very important to God. He has chosen one particular nation in order to establish the Law of God. The setting of the Tabernacle from the Old Testament looks like a Cross. The rod of Moses is very important to God. Exodus 4:17. Later on, the rod of Aaron must place inside the Ark meaning God Himself sealed the Rod of the Law of God. Note: Only Jesus can sealed this type of law Levi’s Tribe. Jesus is the Tithe of Lamb of God to fulfill this type of the law. No one can claim this type of tithe. Your blood is not righteous enough to redeem the whole world even the blood of the animals.

Restrictions Tithe Rules:

Rule number one: Deut. 7:6

God must choose the place where to place the tithe of the twelve tribes of Israel. A place called Jerusalem. God chosen one nation called physical Jerusalem because Jesus Christ must fulfilled the law to place the Spiritual New Jerusalem that is the whole plan of God. Simply, just to recognize Jesus is the way and the truth. There is no other nations God chosen except one particular nation, and they are peculiar people…if we referring to the Tabernacle pattern given by God to Moses.

“For you are an holy people to the LORD your God: the LORD your God has chosen you to be a special people to himself, above all people that are on the FACE OF THE EARTH.”

Rule number two: Deut. 14:22-27

If family lived too far from Jerusalem, the tithe could be redeemed upon coins. The redeemed coins to spend the tithe to buy whatever they like: cattle, sheep, or anything they wish to buy.

Rule number three: Deut. 14:28

Another tithe restriction was a commandment to remove all tithes from one’s house in the end of the 3rd year. Why? Shalt lay it up within thy gates.  The only gates that God chosen are twelve gates later on, those gates it will revealed in the New Testament book of Revelation 21:12.

Did Jesus say…He is the way? This is the way how to get to Heaven because later on Jesus gives us the Holy Ghost. There will be no way for us to travel as physical to go in the New City of Jerusalem that is why God’s plan must place the physical chosen twelve gates in order to attached the twelve disciples called Walls according to the book of Revelation 21:12.

“And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel. “

“And the walls of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.”

Rule number four: Deut. 26:12-14.

Tithe restrictions under the law of Moses and order of Aaron…”The Levi’s Tribe of Israel” the third year was called the year of tithing Deut. 26:12-14 in which the Israelites must set aside 10 percent of the increase of the land, the twelve tribes of Israel they were to give this tithe to the….


Strangers of the land



Rule number five: Deut. 14:28

The eleven tribes it is a mandatory for them to give the tithes to the chosen Rod of Levi or we can say House of Levi who maintain the Tabernacle as a priest. The order of Aaron the Levi this tithe was distributed to those chosen gates of God. The reason why God chosen the gates simply because in order for the strangers, and poor recognize the God of Israel to those chosen gates that is the whole plan of God. 

“Within thy Gates” Deut. 14:28

To support the Levites, and they can be assistant to the poor. Remember the tribe of Levi did not own or inherit a territorial Number 18:32-28. The Aaron family received from all Israel a tithe of food or tithe livestock for support, and that is, the tithe for the Aaronic priest in Jerusalem.

The only inheritance the Levi’s tribe….”the LORD is their inheritance, as he has said to them” Deut. 18:1

Rule number six: Warning Deut. 12:13

The tithe can only designate, to those chosen place….called twelve gates…God is the way, and also He has chosen the twelve places.

Chosen Twelve Gates:

Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph (Manasseh and Ephraim), Benjamin. There is a warning you cannot place the offering without God consent. Deut. 12:13. Tithe and various offering such as Lamb offering must place to those chosen gates of God only.

Note: that is why Jesus chosen the gate of Judah and sealed the Levi tribe for the fulfillment of the law both Old and New Testament God knows the procedures of the Law of Moses we cannot do them today’s generation. The Lamb offering from the Old Testament symbolizes Jesus Christ as a Lamb of God. The Tithe of the Lamb of God is Jesus Christ flesh (Royal Blood must require).

The Warning Deut. 12:13

“Take heed to yourself that YOU offer NOT your burnt offerings in EVERY PLACE that you see”

When you read the book of Malachi the whole chapter one God is not very please to Esau why? The Edom laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness….the border of wickedness they have chosen the places themselves instead obeying God’s rule. That is why God loves Jacob which is called today Israel the chosen nation.  The Edomites is the lineage of Esau they did not follow the Levitical rules that is why Malachi it is a burden to them simply because they neglect the strangers, poor, widow.

Rule number seven: Blaspheme of the Rod called Holy Ghost. Malachi 2:9.

In the time of Moses, which is called under Mosaic Law the warning we cannot re-do the pattern of the Tabernacle. Meaning…teaching partial in the law is a number one violation claiming tithe today’s generation. Only Jesus can fulfill this type of tithe of the Lamb. The tithe of the Lamb must without no blemish, must perfect lamb.

The Partial law teaching the tithe that is contrary to the rules of order of Aaron is the number one blasphemes simply because we are dealing the Rod of God. God Himself sealed the Rod of Aaron has tithe rules of the law cannot be duplicate today’s generation.

Why is it blasphemed? The Rod of Aaron given by God to Moses. It is the chosen rod out of the twelve tribes of Israel according to the book of Number 17:3-12. This is the Rod of God’s rule as a High Priest. That is why the pattern given to Moses referring to the Tabernacle of God. Only Jesus Christ can override this type of Rod of Aaron that is place inside the Ark of the Covenant.

Why is it blasphemed? The Ark of the Covenant containing the tablet of stone on which the Ten Commandments according to the book of Hebrew 9:4. Have you noticed the Ark also contained Aaron’s rod-tithe rules, and manna?

God sealed the Scepter of Levi in order to extend the Scepter of Judah. Jesus came out the tribe of Judah. He is the Rod Heaven and Earth…the Rod is now …in the name of Jesus!

“A scepter will never depart from Judah nor a ruler’s staff from between his feet until Shiloh comes and the people obey him” Genesis 49:10.

David says…your rod and your staff, they comfort me Psalm 23:4. Do you know the Rod is the Holy Ghost called…Comforter? Yap!

“But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name (Jesus), he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance (ancient law) whatsoever I have said unto you” John 14:26.

Jesus is now officially sitting on the “Right hand of Power” Matthew 14:62.

Jesus said….”All Power is given unto me in where? Heaven and Earth! That is why Jesus sitting on the Right hand of Power! Matthew 28:18-20.

That is why when you covered by the Blood of the Lamb of God you got the name of Jesus! You got power to cast out devils!

Would you claim to be the tithe of the Lamb? Not me! Only Jesus can!

Written by: Victoria

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Invisible Image of God...called Good

Invisible Image of God…called…Good.

Have you read your Bible too often? I do! In order for us to understand the Image of God we must go back and read the first beginning of Genesis. The book of Genesis is the most important part the whole Creation Week. In order for us to identify who is the Invisible Image of God we must go back to the book of Genesis in order to understand the New Testament Law. What Jesus said…And he said to him, “Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is, God: Matthew 19:17.

How can we identify the Invisible Image of God call good? The book of Psalm 145:9 says…the LORD is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made. The key word here …He has made? Mmmm…Let us identify what God has made called good.

Remember…everything God spoken…He bless it….God saw it…it was good.  Let us itemized and read the Book of Genesis chapter 1: 1-31 shall we. 

Creation Week

First Day- Light and Darkness Divide….God saw…it was good.

Second Day-The Firmament Division of Water….God saw it…it was good.

Third Day- Dry Land, Seas, Grass, Herbs, and Trees…God saw it…it was good.

Fourth Day- The Sun, Moon, Stars, Days, Seasons, and Years…God saw it…it was good.

Fifth Day- the Fish of the Sea, and Birds of the air…God saw it…it was good.

Six Day- Animals and Man…God saw it …it was good.

Seven Day- God rested on this Day.

Verse 28- God blessed them, be fruitful, multiply, and replenish the earth. Verse 31- God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was good!

Now, we can understand the Invisible Image of God from the Old Testament Law everything that He had made, it was good. That is why Jesus Christ was identifying as Invisible of God from the New Testament Law. Simply because everything that He perform nothing but good like He did from the Old Testament Law.

Good Image of the Invisible God. Let us read the book of Matthew 5:1-16 shall we. Remember the book of Genesis God use the word blessed, and everything that he had made…it was good.

Jesus said….Blessed are….

V3- the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

V4- those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

V5- the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.

V6-those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall satisfy.

V7-the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

V8-the pure in heart, for they see God.

V9-the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

V10- those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

V11-…you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me.

V12-“Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

V13-…You are the salt of the earth.

V14-…You are the light of the world.

V16-…let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorifies your Father who is in heaven.

Jesus said….

V17-think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy but to fulfill.

As you can read the book of Matthew we can understand the goodness of God. Everything Jesus spoken nothing but good image of Him. He directly commanded us to do well and to do good.

For the invisible things (Creation Week) of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse. Rom. 1:20

“Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation” Col.1:15

“And to make all men see what is fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning (Creation Week of Genesis) of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ” Ephesians 3:9

Invisible Image of God…called…Good! Jesus said…”And he said to him, why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is, God: Matthew 19:17.

Written by: Victoria

September 4, 2011