Sunday, January 08, 2012

Even the world itself...

Even the world itself
Jesus did many physical and spiritual things that are not written in the book according to the scriptures say…
“And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they were written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.”
I love doing the research when it comes in the Bible actually it really helps me day by day God really does proved His word to me personally. You just have to have the want to live for God. When I say live for God is to research and observe all things surrounding you just like the Bible tells us to do.
When God created the heaven we can see the heaven in the sky only limited in our own eyes. God only allowed us to see the part of it. Amazing how the stars can be place without falling even now as we see it in our own eyes today. Sometimes we just have to look up once in awhile how amazing the creation of God.
Our physical eyes very limited to see…today the new invention we can probably use the advanced lenses to see some part of the heavenly host but, the good part about the heavenly host the farther our science wants to see it the more they discovers a lot’s more stars…seems more the farther for them and get wider and wider the farther they get the wider it gets. According to the law of God the law of heavenly host the stars cannot be numbered but, God Himself knows the individual star know their name. Amazing huh?
The first Adam (made of flesh-was made a living soul I Cor.15:45) do you know Adam name all the creatures according to Genesis 2:18-20 Adam gave names to all cattle, fowl of the air. Whatsoever Adam called every living creature that was the name thereof?
Remember this…this is wisdom…since we are created Adam lineage we do the same way…what we did…we can invent things and called it whatever we call our inventions and we can name it! Today many Adam lineages when they see it, or invent it what he or she would call them. In other words if you invent television that is what you going to call it! If someone asks you did God made the television? What is your answer? Our answer is like this can you invent television without the material? God place the material. If God never place the trees can you make paper out of it? NOPE! Can you build a building store without trees, or rocks? NOPE! So the facts are without Mother Nature you can’t build anything at all! In a winter time you wear a coat right? There ask yourself where did material came from? It came from animal’s fur. Fur is the most expensive today even the Hollywood stars wear them. Some of as wear them as well. Do you know God make coats of skins, and clothed Adam and Eve? Yap! The invisible Adam which is the Spirit of God makes coats of skins to cover the nakedness of Adam and Eve. Genesis 3:21
The last Adam (made of Spirit) Genesis 1:1 God is a Spirit. The Spirit of God He made the stars Genesis 1:16. The last Adam was made a quickening spirit I Cor.15:45. Jesus is the second man is the Lord from heaven verse 47. Do you know since first Adam made of earthy see verse 46 today we are borne of earthy because we are Adam family. But, the second Adam is the heavenly; we shall also bear the image of the heavenly I Cor.15:49.
The natural body and spiritual body must connect each other as it is written…I Cor.15:42-58.
Do you believe in terrestrial? The word terrestrial can be found in the Bible. I Cor. 15:40-41.
“There are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. V-41 the is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory.”
Today there are many Adam’s family some are known astronomy simply because they are observant all the planets, stars, galaxies, they study of matter and energy in the universe. Probably today the ancient astronomy wrote so many details in one particular star and probably today that particular star they found further detail fact about one star.
The Adam family write every details all the facts that they see celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial today. That is why the book of John 21:25 say…
“And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they were written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.”
God Himself embedded His own “Word” creation all the facts that we need to know. In other words, every each star God wrote all the fact directly to that particular star or one particular tree -apple. So much information every each of them if…you write a book every each detail about the one star only or write a book about the apple tree. So much more to learn but, God knows all of them by their name.
This is wisdom…when God chosen the 144 tribes of Israel can you imagine every each star wrote individual facts of the earth? The people are known as star also according to the law of God. We also know the twelve tribes the book of Revelation 21:12 and book of Numbers 24:17 identify them as star.
“There shall come a Star out of Jacob (known as Israel today), and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel,”
Star also known as an angel. Do you know Jesus known as the Star of Bethlehem? Jesus was born in Bethlehem Matthew 2:1. This prophecy it has been fulfilled “There shall come a Star out of Jacob/Israel, and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel”
“They, having heard the king, went their way; and behold, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, until it came and stood over where the young child was” Matthew 2:9.
“Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are NOT recorded in this book.” John 20:30.
This is wisdom…if you heard to someone or other country about the ancient miracle don’t erase them yet simply because God travels do all the miraculous things that is not been recorded in the book just like the book of John say…20:30.
Can you imagine if we study every each flowers, each trees, each stones, each animals, each stars, and etc. Wow! Can you imagine John the writer chapter 21and verse 25 saying...”And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they were written in detail, I suppose that EVEN THE WORLD ITSELF could not contain the books that should be written. Amen” Helloooo…”The world itself? Wow! How big you can see the world now in your own eyes? Wow! Imagine your city where you live in are it big enough for you? How much more the WORLD ITSELF?
This is wisdom…there are more stuff that we haven’t heard or see!
“But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him” I Cor.2:9.
Is this why John 21:25 say… And there are also many other things, which Jesus did, the which, if they were written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.
Think about those books the world itself could not contain mean hold! Wow! That is what I call Mega Library! You will never run out of books to read! Amazing God! A lot’s of study that’s for sure!
Written by: Victoria

Monday, January 02, 2012

Apple Soup

One Red pepper or Jalapeno
One Cucumber
2 or 3 Red apples
2 or 3 granny smith apples
16 oz. Sour Cream
8 bouillion cubes or one can chicken broth
3 cups water  

Cut peppers, cucumber and apples
Mix all together
Add two tsp. Olive oil
Paprika Powder
Garlic powder
salt and pepper
Cook about 30 minutes bring it to boil.
After cook cool it down.
Put in food processor to pureed vegetables until desired consisting of soup.
And reheat back and serve it! Bon Appetite!
Garnish with parsley!

Victora's Recipe

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Financial Regulation Resolution

Financial Regulation Resolution
Is there a financial rule given law by God? Yes indeed! Where can we find those scriptures? As far as we know started in the Old Testament Law and also the New Testament Law confirm it again. Remember God ordered all these decrees to the children of Israel to makes sure they will teach it to their children, and to the next generation to come, and of course the rest of the law of God.
I wish all the leaders of the world who walks in God’s law they continue teaching this type of law in order to protect the people of God from getting in debt.
There are many people all over the world suffering from the financial issues including us today. Some of them committed suicide, some has anger management, and some are starving to death meaning they are under famine, some of them they start robbing people simple because just to survive to feed their family, and of course some of them they have a heavy depression. And some of the people lost their houses, and many there are many reasons of situation that’s occurs today.
You will be surprise how much pressures can create the financial system that put you in debt. It activates the evil spirits and causes a person to suffer between spiritual and physical body. Your mental capacity is very whelming.  God has given the command to teach to the children of Israel to teach this type of rules in order to prevent from not getting hurt. It is very important to abide to the counsel which given by God to the Old and New Testament Law in order to save the people from getting hurt.
If you are under pressures more than likely you worry, and stress. This is the main reason why God telling the children of Israel to obey this type of commandment.  If you don’t obey it…is going to hurt you mentally and physically. Worry and stress is number one killer in the world. That is why God’s rule needs to be address in order for a nation to stand and also the individual person who walks with God.
When God established this type of law is not a set up as religious acts. This is a reality as God showing to them. The problem of the leadership today as long you mentioned the name of Jesus they don’t have to teach the rest of the law. That has become big problem to our nation and individual people who walks with God today.
The Old Testament Law the Immanuel meaning God is with us. The book of Isaiah identifies who really Jesus is…saying …”For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, and The Prince of Peace.
Jesus Christ is our Counselor. He can counsel us simply because He already established the foundation law from the Old Testament Law meaning all the regulations of the Priesthood fulfilled it and He taught it back to the apostles. Isa.9:6. That’s including the financial system.
The New Testament Law book of Romans 13:8 says…Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. When it says…”Owe no man” it covers all the detail of the financial issues. Let us go back to the Old Testament Law let see what is says.
The instructions are very simple and easy to understand.
Deuteronomy 15:1
Every Seven Years-Release-Every Creditor
v-1 At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release. 2. And this is the manner of the release: Every creditor that lendeth ought unto his neighbor, or of his brother; because it is called the LORD’S release.
v-4 Save when there shall be no poor among you; for the LORD shall greatly bless thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it: (God ordered them there shall be NO poor among you!)
v-5 Only if thou carefully hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all these commandments which I command thee this day.
If you are a ruler one nation here is the message from the Old Testament Law about the financial resolution guidelines:
v-6 For the LORD thy God blesseth thee, as the promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee.
Simple instructions …You can lend but, you are not allowed to borrow. As you can see the result if you lend them more than likely they have to pay you back. You don’t have any worry.
If you borrow from the nation more than likely you are paying it back that will cause you a disaster for your own nation. Meaning…you begin to worry because you owe them. So you need to start paying it back what you owe. That is cause the entire people in our nation to fall because without God counseling our nation will fall. This is a reality God given them instruction how to prevent the debt from another nations. God wants you to reign if we read it back verse 6.
As you can see God’s instruction it is very easy and simple. God is trying to counseling you in a right way in order to run the nation if you obey His law. That is why go back and re-read the verse five again saying…carefully hearken and what to observe to do all these commandment which I command thee this day.
Same way to all of us as an individual we use this type of counseling from God that we can lend but we cannot borrow. Same principle we need to apply it today. That way if we apply this type of principle we don’t have to worry the financial debt.
I Timothy 5: 8 New Testament Law also commanded us to work regardless you are a some type of leadership. If you are head of the house hold you must provide needs to your household simple instructions.
“But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel”
Proverbs 30:25 also is a part of financial system planning and preparing is a good system. “The ants are people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer;”
Probably if you don’t make that much money meaning you are in the middle class as the ants you can apply this type of principle as well. You can probably save up each week $25 dollars every time you get paid in one month you have $100 dollars so if you continue to maintain this type of habit in one year you will be able save up $1,200 a year.
Just like the ants they prepare their meat in the summer in order for them to prevent the starvation.  I hope and pray the scriptures will help you spiritually and physically. My New Year Resolution is to continue reading the word of God and observe and teach as we are commanded. We need faith with actions. Just like the bible says…body without the spirit is dead. If we are going to live with God’s rules we need to take away the religious acts. God is telling us this is a reality there is an evil spirits that causes a man to fall. It only takes one word of a man can trigger the depression, pain, hates, and rebellion to other that’s how powerful those evil spirits.
Evil spirits can use the object such as money; materialistic can cause damage and activate the financial stress that’s how easy it is! God’s counseling you can lend but, you cannot borrow simple instructions!
Written by: Victoria

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Vegetable Soup

Vegetable Soup

Left over ham
1 Can of cream of mushroom
3 cups of water
salt and pepper
Mix frozen vegetable

Mix all ingredients bring to boil until done and tender. Serve it! Enjoy!

Do you know daily you eat your tithe?

Do you know daily you eat your tithe?
When God create the Heaven and Earth He provides our daily need. Do you know all of us God given us daily food which is called daily tithe. The first thing that we do in the morning we eat breakfast, drink coffee. Many people did not realize how important the physical food. God is a provider of our physical body as you can see the Mother Nature provides this for us and that is includes the tithe animals.
The book of Genesis this is the first thing God created the Heaven why God create the Heaven first? Genesis 1:1 why? Heaven is the highest throne of God. The second God creates the Earth why God created the earth second because this is God’s footstools! God Himself He Is in control and He is the provider our need.
That is why we need to pay attention every each scripture this is between Spiritual food and physical food. Remember God made the Heaven first and then the second made the earth. Heaven gives the water from above. This is our main source the Living Spiritual Water that came from above. Without water you will not survive.
If God did not pour the rain today we are all in trouble! All the water all over the earth is going too dried up. So regardless what we do we still need to depend on God? Without Heaven’s water we cannot survive. Jesus is the Living water!
Remember the first thing God made “First” Heaven! Second the Earth. Genesis 1:1 in the beginning God created (first) the heaven and (second) and the earth. All mankind must subject to the highest command!  God is the Healer of all diseases between Spiritual first and physical food, the Mother Nature’s contains many medicine for our body that is why Jesus identify is the Healer of our diseases called….LORD’s known as Mother Nature.
That is why the Old and New Testament Law must connected, and match what Jesus saying in the New Testament Law. The throne of God is in Heaven and His footstool is the Earth. Isa. 66:1 this is what the LORD-(Jesus) says…”Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool”
As you can see God has to design His creation without the “Light” we cannot see. The first day God made the Light-Jesus is the Light of the World. As you can see the connection between Old and New Testament must exactly meet. The Light comes first that is from Above.  The second day the water above divided from water below.  Think about it without Light and Water from above we cannot survive that is why God design His creations in orderly as you can see. Of course everything must follow in orderly…the third Ocean, dry land, plant life. Note: Rev.21:1 no more sea?  Just think about this for a moment now goes back the Fourth creations of God sun, moon, and stars. The fifth God created the Sea creatures, birds, and insects. On the six days God created cattle reptiles, beasts, and then first man Adam.
As you can see everything are all in order the way God design all the Tithe that we all need spiritual food and physical food. As you can see …before Adam is created God already supplies our need between spiritual and physical food.
This is the main reason you and I we daily eat the Tithe God’s design for our body. God already distributed all the bread of life before we even ask Him. We eat daily tithe in God’s provision. That is why the Tithe known as spiritual food and physical food meaning God is our Healer of our diseases! It is Simple to understand.
That is why when we reading the Old Testament law identified the “Tithe” as “Food” because God is our provider. Leviticus 27:30-32 says….
“Tithe of the herd, or of the flock, the tenth shall be holy unto the LORD-Jesus is Holy-The Lamb of God! The herd means is a type of an animal God chosen the Lamb!  Tithe also known as Tithe of the Land, of or fruit of the tree, is the LORD’s it is holy unto the LORD. Did Jesus fulfill this type of Law? Yap! Jesus said…It is written, man shall NOT live , by bread alone but every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God-Let us distribute to all nation spiritual food and physical bread to feed all nations! The beginning of the Church in the New Testament Law is the books of Acts….they start breaking bread from house to house.
Is this tells you…we eat daily and breaking bread daily. Without water and food it is impossible for us to live. God’s is our provider daily! As long you live in your physical body you will always need water to drink and food to eat daily is your tithe! Makes sure you share your spiritual tithe and physical tithe to everyone to save lives. Jesus said…Feed my sheep! Did you eat your tithes today? I did!
Written by: Victoria

Every day is a New Year Day for me

Every day is a brand New Year day for me
Over the years I had learn to exercise my life to study daily about the law of God. I never stop digging for all the little details about the commandment of the law of Christ. I usually love to read all the negatives that God doesn’t really like in order for me to be aware what was causing the spiritual problem in people’s life.
When I started studying the word of God there are a lot’s of “Do’s” and “Don’t” to many guidelines I may say… living for God is not all about making money or asking for a greater blessing. Everyday people still miserable even though they have such a great riches those things I could not understand why?
Until I realize to compare between spiritual peace God has provide me. Without peace surrounding us it is really impossible to function. I can know assure how lovely to dwell in the presence of God.
Many people suffering from daily depressions. The depression is coming from different spiritual bad forms such as financial problem, famine in the land, abuser of mankind and many more but, in spites all of these type of forms God given so many rules in order for us not to be tangle in this type of thorn and thistles.
That is why daily we cleanse our physical household same way our spiritual household to take out all the thistles and thorn that creeping in our life. We are the only one who can take that away. Until we learn to learn the ways of the LORD our God we will have no protections. Just follow the guidelines and the protections of God will follow us all the days of our life. One of the examples ….the parable of Jesus saying…if you want prosperous in your life this is all the formulas that we need to go by simple as a pie…
Matthew 5:1-11 or you can read the entire chapters
Jesus taught them, saying…
-Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
-Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
-Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.
-Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
-Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
-Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
-Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
-Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’s sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
-Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say “all manner” of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
-Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is you’re “reward in heaven:” for so persecuted they the prophets which were BEFORE you.
Jesus made a bunch of listing how to overcome the issues of life as you can see most of these listing we apply it in our life.
If you see a person needing help more than likely you apply the spiritual “mercy” more than likely if a person need food you are going to feed the poor that’s how we apply the mercy… faith and works must work together. Faith is something you have to believe God that He established this type of foundation of the Law from the Old and New Testament Law.
If you choose the “Mercy” is a compassionate treatment for others.
If you choose to be the “Peacemaker” you bring peace for others.
If you bring this spiritual peacemaker in your household, jobs, wherever you’re feet land you will be prosperous. Many people love to put down others creating damage someone’s life. The only ways we can prevent this type of damage never agree to their negatism to others.
Remember Satan’s seed he likes to damage people’s life and he also love to tell the entire negative against people and he also love to “Group people” to join Satan. That is why when someone trying to group people and trying to come against one person never allowed yourself that area. This is the time use the formulas Jesus given us….called…peacemaker-say something good both side never allowed yourself to say a negatism in one side!
This is what the “Judgment” God saying as a spiritual discerning. You must discern both parties never agree just one side of the party. Number one if causing bitterness both side ….just remember your not there when it happen so there’s no need to be in one side. You must be fair for both of them those are the guidelines from the New and Old Testament Law of God.
Remember Satan’s took one third the angels of God to rebels against God that is why this type of “Grouping people” is one satanic force and tactics!
The way I maintain myself in God’s law if….a person did not do anything wrong to me personally no matter how the negative they say to that person I do  not joined this type of group instead I have to guard my hearts in order not to fallen the device of evil grouping-Satan’s device! Isa. 14:12 when you fall into Satan’s trick it weaken that surround you and that’s includes the nations!
Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest “OBSERVE” to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have “Good success”
If you want spiritual good success this is some of the listing Jesus provides for us from the Old and New Testament Law everything from the Old and New Testament they are all connected!
The book of Joshua mentioned the word “Observe” what did Jesus say? Read Matthew 28:18-20 “Teaching” them to “Observe” all things whatsoever I have commanded you:
Pretty cool huh? Yap! Two important command of Jesus Christ ….Observe and Teach! Keep an eye the scriptures always to observe and teach! Are you a peacemaker? Or are you a destroyer? Which one?
If you want to joined the group makes sure you used the spiritual peace in your life in order have a good success in life. If you are a person loves the Acts 2:38 don’t stop on this verse you must continue to read verse 40 saying…”Save yourselves” from this untoward generation. Is this sound only leaders of the Gospel can save you? NOPE! You must save yourselves your own your own after you heard the message! You must discern between “Good and Evil” Good seed produce good seed! Evil seed produce evil seed! There is no in between!  
“Observe them carefully, for this will show your wisdom and understanding to the nations, who will hear about all these decrees and say, “Surely this great nation is a wise and understand people.” Deut. 4:6.  Are you wise leader?
“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may life:” Deut.30:19
Happy daily New Year Day!
Written by: Victoria