Sunday, June 27, 2010

Farmers Rely on God

Farmers Rely on God

How important is it the farmers in the Old Testament Law and today’s generations? You probably will be saying who cares? I got my own life to worry about. You are right! We can probably have all the money in the world but, it is only good for temporary to use it.

The Old Testament law specially the book of Genesis God started His own Garden of Eden. And the LORD God took the man (Adam), and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

We also know that for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. What is that mean? Meaning Adam doesn’t have to worry to till the ground God taking care everything. It grows beautifully without Adam tilling the ground.

God taking care everything how? The Genesis tells us …But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. As we can read the Word of God there is no rain at all only mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. Gen.2:6.

Is it God still provide water for us today? You better believe it! Without the water today from heaven there are no trees, herbs to grow. The farmers from the Old Testament Law always rely on God to water the earth. Still happening today? Maybe if you are Scientists has discover how to make your own rain try not to take all the credit for yourself because without heaven the world will not function right either. Heaven gives light to light the whole world.

Many false gods today trying to take credit for creation of the One True God when God made the earth we will not have anything in this world today, basically what I am pointing out here without earth you can’t make something out of nothing? Meaning if there is no tree you can’t build houses, table, and chair, whatever you’re trying to make. If God never made the Heaven what would happen to those Scientist they have nothing to observe the stars, or you can say celestial body of the heavenly hosts as the bible describes so we cannot take the credit for creation of the One True God.

The main reason God place the Heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years. According to Genesis 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven. Today it is easy for us to tell the time, month, and years because of the Hebrew and Jewish observation of the Lunar –Solar System way back in the Old Testament Law. Without the Jewish God chosen people we will not have the Gregorian calendar today. Of course, their calendar is different from ours. A lunar year of 354 days is adjusted to the solar year by periodic leap years. Again, their year, shorter than ours, had 354 days. The year was based on Lunar-Solar System.

God’s chosen people they are observant of the Solar system such as Lunar. Regardless what we believe the heaven gives time. This is how the farmers what month they have to plant the particular seed not every seed are all the same month to plant. Farmers rely on God all the time. Especially the water from heaven.

The Jewish night was divided into three watches. Exo. 14:24, Judges 7:19, 1 Samuel 11:11. But, under the Roman system, the period from sunrise to sunset had four (4) watches in twelve hours, the sixth being at midday.

Time: Specific meaning

Day = Twelve hours

Night = 4 Watches

Evening, midnight, rooster crow, and morning. Read… John 11:9, Mark 13:35, A new day begins with the first three visible night lights see Neh. 4:21 Read… more …Matthew 20:3-9; 27:45-46;26:34, Mk. 1:35; 15:42:; 16:2, Luke 11:5, John 1:39; and Acts 20:7.

The Time Division Old Testament Law

First watch – Sunset To 9 P.M., First Watch - Sunrise To 9.A.M

Second watch – 9 P.M. To Midnight, Second watch - 9 A.M. To Noon

Third watch – Midnight To 3 A.M., Third Watch - Noon To 3 P.M.

Fourth watch – 3 A.M. To Sunrise, Fourth watch - 3 P.M. To Sunset

Heaven gives time even the tiny thing that we do in life. Life of a man has time limited in the flesh (physical body) that they live in some can live 100 years, some can live 40 years, and some can live a second, minutes, hours, day, month and one year. The false gods the only thing they cannot recognize when God made the planet earth He provide the natural vitamins, natural cures for our physical body but it doesn’t mean our physical body can live forever. That is why God’s plan to give us the body that can live for a life time that is called soul of a man. Sometimes the false gods trying to take credit for creation of the One True God instead of recognize the facts of life they are trying to get away the truth of life.

The farmers are very important for us today without them you will never see all the fruits, vegetables, meat at the market or you can call it grocery store. This is the facts of life that we need to understand the basic principle that God laid the foundation of the law from the Old Testament in order for us today to understand the whole truth of His creations.

In the Old Testament Law the farmers has to communicate to the Creator to give rain for their crops otherwise there will be a famine in the land. The number one God taught the children of Israel is to communicate with God one on one. The same the Earth must communicate to the Heaven above. The earth recognizes the Heaven supplies the sun light, and water. Heaven will always higher than the earth. That is why God says…the Heaven is God’s Throne…the earth God’s footstool. Isa. 66:1.

As you read the word of God there are so many verses about the famine in the land. Sometimes if a mankind forgetting the law of God this is the only way God gives their attention. Sometimes we just have dropped everything off and we just have to recognize God is in control of all things. There is only one thing that God will not allowed us to get the credit is when we forget the One who made Heaven and Earth. The false gods is trying to take the credit for creation of the One True God of Israel.

When God made a covenant to the children of Israel He gave the both Blessing and Curse. What is that mean? Meaning the blessing it is in their hands. If these people did badly to others there is penalty for them it will be curse instead of blessing. They know the law of God called judgment, mercy, faith, law. These people they are well taught by God in the Old Testament law not to forget the law of God. They are taught to observe all the statutes, and all the judgment, and do them: I am the Lord God says that. Leviticus 19:37. These chosen people they are suppose to be observe every detail of the law of God.

The children of Israel are protected by God in the Old and New Testament law it is written. If the nation trying to come against to the children of Israel I rather not for you to do any harm for them, because the fight will be God’s fights that is the promise of the covenant that made to the children of Israel from God.

We do know the prophecy that many nations will come against the nation of Israel. That is the prophecy but God will protect this people because they are chosen people of God. See Ezekiel chapter 38 and 39. The center of Jerusalem is God’s business. This is God’s fight against the Evil wicked satanic works!

Deut. 20:4 (KJV) For the Lord your God is he that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.

The covenant of God will never forget for these chosen people of God. God made a covenant to Abraham, Moses, Jacob is now called nation of Israel.

Deut. 4:31 (KJV) (For the Lord thy God is a merciful God;) he will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which he sware unto them.

If a nation that has higher rank position and neglect the farmer’s need it will creates famine in the land because the farmers are important to us because this is where we get our food source. That is why God made a foundation basic law to abide in these basic rules to teach every nation in order the people will not suffer of starvation. That is why many nations today are starving because of lack of farmers in the land. According to God’s law we can nourished this people where the famine and we can also to teach them how to plant the seed at the same time, and at the same time we can nourished them with spiritual food as well. That is the rules of the law of God.

God has a Garden of Eden. Do you believe God is a Farmer? Yap!

Written by: Victoria