Sunday, June 24, 2012

Why the wicked prosper?

Why the wicked prosper?
The answer is…check your spirits lives inside of you if is the spirit of good still there or not. If you haven’t read my notes the title…”Never Summoned the Evil spirits” sometime we must ask ourselves what is right in the sight of God? The answer is…God already place written in His own law what is good for you and what is bad for you. In other words there is something you can claim in the law of God and also there is something that you are not allowed to claim in the law of God. Example: The Levi-Tithe Tribe are chosen to “Carry the Ark of the Covenant” in other words if you try to claim this type of account you are a dead meat! Do you remember Korah? Read the entire book of Numbers enlighten yourself. If Korah can speak their language and he is a part of the Levi tribe but is not chosen as a Leader what makes you think today we can claim it? Walla! Only God can choose the people so God choose Moses and Aaron to rule this one nation later on, God will add us.
 Only Levi bloodline can carry this type of Ark. That is why Jesus Christ fulfilled the whole law in order for you not to deal with it all you have to do is…”Carry the name of Jesus Christ” same way the Levi Tribe “Carry the Ark of the Covenant-the Unknown Name of God” can you see the whole picture? I do! Jesus Christ is the same Ark of the Covenant from the Old Testament Law! Got it!
We must pay attention between the words “Warning” warning is good for all of us. Warning is to prevent from bad happening to our walk with God. Warning is to protect our soul and spirit from Satan devices. That is why when we read the Old Testament Law there is a word “Thou shalt not” and “Thou shall” remember anytime you read the thou shalt not God is just protecting you from bad happening to you and your family. It includes all the issues of life.
The law of God today still exists first God wrote directly to His own Creation that is why the proofs can be found in Science, Medicine, History, Archeology, and the Dead Sea  Scroll. God did not just design the Earth and Heaven just to look at but to proof His entire law. When I say entire law of God you must find out what is the violations that you cannot do and what you can do. If you are dealing with Science there are some things you are not allowed to do or to mix some kind of chemicals because can affect the nature.
The five books of Moses is the most important to study because you will find out what is violations and what is not violation. Hints: anytime you read the word “thou shalt not” you must pay attention why? It is because mixing two different seeds can violate the word of God example: between the human seed and the beast seed mix together is number one violation in God’s word, the Bible tells us it is “confusion.” Read entire Exodus “ whosever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death” 22:19.
The main reason why God gave us the “warning” in order to protect us from bad happening, the old serpent beguiled Eve “beguiled means seduce, entice, lure, or cheat somebody” we do know Eve husband is Adam. The first molestation begins in the book of Genesis. Cain is serpent lineage simply because is the first murderer like father like son and Abel is Adam lineage as you can see Abel follow the rules without any rebellion he just do it this two twin brothers are two different fathers but one mother. Is it possible? Yap! Today medical research found twins but two different fathers you might want to research the word…” Heteropaternal Supercundation” gives you a little bit information. The twins in the Old Testament is common not rare. Jacob and Esau is twin’s brother same father and mother. God chosen Jacob to rule the nation today it is very famous nation in the world Israel nation are chosen by God to “Carry the Ark of the Covenant” that is contain manna from heaven, ten commandment, and Aaron name on it tithe- staff that budded with almond flowers.
When you diagnose the Genesis 3 Adam and Eve both naked not only proven by the word of Eve saying…”the serpent beguiled me, meaning seduce me, and I did eat. Remember Satan has a power to transform…embodied or invested with bodily nature and form. Eve is the first woman and mother of the human race between good and evil race. As you can read the Genesis already telling us the curse of the woman is what? Conception! Conception means what? Conception is the beginning of pregnancy of human race.  What is this tells you? The molestation begins to Satan the old serpent! And then Eve gave it to her husband Adam.
The trick of Satan…the fall was caused by Eve when she was deceived by Satan who transform himself to beguiled Eve 2 Corinthian 11:14 Satan transform which was a man-like creature before God changed every bone of his body, and place him on her belly, that the beast seduced Eve, as taught by Moses, Jesus, and Paul, and the all the other prophets conceiving Cain, whom the prophet John says: was begotten of the “Wicked One” I John 3:12. Later on, between the wheat and tare will be separated. According to those farmers the wheat and tares when they grow together you cannot actually see the different they are almost identical. Jesus spoke in parables and very specific about this type of account. Read Matthew 13. The good human race between evil beast human races can grow together without knowing Satan sons and daughters mingle to the children of God.
Why the wicked prosper? The book of Psalm tell us the answer what we need to do very simple and easy. Remember King David the son of Jesse, I have found a man after mine own heart Acts 13:22. David very busy taking care the sheep to protect them from getting hurt. He explores the detail and issues of life even though he is only a shepherd boy. In other word David observe all things even the creation of God that is why when you read the entire Psalm nothing but highest praise David recognize how mighty God is!
In another words if God place the rocks in His own Creation …just don’t look at it…you must explore and discover how many different types of rocks you can discover in this world, how many different kind of species of animals, how many different kind of trees, how many kind of flowers in the world. So this is one of those things we need to consider living for God.
God is not a boring God…He wants you to explore and to discover His own Creation just to prove it to you there is a God who created all things. David recognize the works of the Hand of God he understood when it comes the Creation. But of course David still flesh can make a lot’s of mistake like everybody else like you and me. One thing about David when he makes mistake he will confess it right away he doesn’t rebel that is why …he was called…”a man after mine own heart” but the lineage Satan son which is Cain will never bow down when he makes mistakes instead he will kill like he did kill his own half-brother Abel. The righteous will admit their mistakes but the unrighteous will never admit their mistakes that are the different between of them.
Why the wicked prosper? The answer is in the book of Psalm 73:3. David said…”For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.” Verse 22: David said, so foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee. As you diagnose what David did saying…I was foolish, ignorant, I was a beast before God. In other word if you do the same heathen do the wicked way they will prosper instead of you?
Why the wicked prosper? They steeling your blessing while you doing their wickedness at the same time. You have forgotten to seek God during your hard times instead you mingle to their own foolish and you become beast as they are. How the wicked end their prosperity? Since you and I cannot afford to go to Jerusalem where the Father places His name Jerusalem Sanctuary…Jesus place the Temple inside of us. The sanctuary of God built inside of you.
The answer is Psalm 73:17 “Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end.”
Jesus is the Temple. If you got Jesus…you must keep it clean! Every each one of us we have the Temple of God. One for you, one for me, one for Moses, one for your mom, one for your dad how’s that happen? Jesus makes it happen how? You do know you if all of us go to Jerusalem the whole world live there…there will be no way we all can fit in to the physical sanctuary. How many populations in overall today to all nations who love Jesus do you think we all have room there at physical Jerusalem? Mm mm God is a wise God can make it happen that is why Jesus Christ embedded the Temple inside of the individual of human race! The Tabernacle-Church is YOU Jesus embedded the Church the very inner of man that is called Spirit of God because this is only Jesus can defeat the spirits of Satan from the beginning of the Genesis. Spirit of Good versus spirit of Evil-Satan!
Jesus is the Temple. 2 Corinth. 5:1 For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house NOT made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
Jesus is the Temple. Acts 7:48 However, the Most High does NOT live in houses made by men. As the prophet says:
Jesus is the Temple. Hebrew 9:24 For Christ did NOT enter a man-made sanctuary that was only a copy of the true one; he entered heaven itself, now to appear for us in God’s presence.
Jesus is the perfect Tabernacle. Hebrew 9:11 But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, NOT MADE WITH HANDS, that is to say, NOT OF THIS BUILDING;
Now we understand the request of the apostles…to Jesus saying…one for Moses tabernacle, one for Elijah tabernacle, is that mean we have one too? Oh yea!  There is one tabernacle for you, one for me, one each individual who live for God. Jesus takes care of it once and for all! Jesus is the Tabernacle lives among men!
Why the wicked prosper? The only way they can prosper when you do their wicked as they are. That is why apostles and the prophets tell us Psalm 37:7 Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when the carry out their wicked schemes. Jeremiah says… 12:1 You are always righteous, O LORD, when I bring a case before you. Yet I would speak with you about your justice: Why does the way of wicked prosper? Why do all the faithless live at ease?
The answer is to take care your temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God and ye are not your own? You are the temple of God. I Corinthians 6:19.
That is David says…”Until I went into the sanctuary of God; …..Then….understood I their end” Psalm 73:17.
The answers is never forget to go in inner man called spiritual sanctuary NOT man-made temple.
“And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. Revelation 21:3”
Now, do you believe God lives in the very inside of you? Doesn’t cost you money or transportation to go to physical Church of Jerusalem where God place His name for a starting border line of God. God only want to be recognize the “Name of Jesus” called “New Name of God” given to the Gentiles open the Main Gate of Judah’s Tribe and sealed the Tribe of Levi who carry the Ark of the Covenant Name. Walla!
Written by: Victoria