Sunday, July 29, 2012

Who is the LORD?

Who is the LORD? Jesus is the LORD! Do you know there are so many prophesies that Jesus fulfilled between Old Testament Law and New Testament Law. This is one of them must recognize the earth is the LORD according to the book of Psalms 24:1 says....

"The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein."

Do you know the earth contains many healing power and vitamins for human body? Yap! That is why Jesus fulfilled the spiritual healing as well. If you say LORD to Jesus...basically you recognize the earth contains many healing to our body. That is why God Himself to give us the dietary laws to eat veggies, and herbs for the healing for your body. Jesus can also perform spiritual healing the words that He speaks can heal the wounds.

Do you know Jesus commanded us to feed the sheep? Is the same command the Old Testament God feeding the sheep. God started one nation first in order to recognize the God of Israel. Today the name of Jesus is very well known to that particular place where God Himself chosen place His name. Where? Jerusalem! Tithe and various offering must offer to those chosen gates only for what reason in order the name of our God will recognize today's generation.

Tithes given to the Levi, stranger, fatherless, and widow sounds familiar Jesus spoke about ordering the apostles to feed the sheep.

"that they may eat within thy gates"
Deut. 26:12

Jesus is the Gate of Lion of Judah.
"And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, IS THE LORD's: it is holy unto the Lord"

God choose the place to cause his name to dwell.
Deut. 12:11
"Then there shall be a place which the Lord your God shall choose to cause his name to dwell there;"

Deut. 12:13
"Take heed to thyself that thou offer not thy burnt offering in every place that thou seest:"

God chosen twelve gates for Himself in order for us to recognize the "NAME OF JESUS" the name of  Jesus is now officially sealed both Old Testament and New Testament Law meaning Heaven and Earth recognize the name of Jesus. Earthly Jerusalem where the tithes and offering started now Jesus fulfilled both laws the Spiritual Jerusalem is now can be revealed in the last book of Revelation called the New Jerusalem the "Throne of God."

What did Jesus say? John 14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
The Old Testament God chosen twelve gates which are the twelve tribes of Israel and Jesus chosen twelve apostles which are the twelve walls as the book of Revelation describes

Rev. 19:4 And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia.

In order for you to have a Mansions in Heaven Jesus Christ must place those gates in order for you to know where the location of Heaven and Earth physical and spiritual Jerusalem. Physical Jerusalem God marked all the city of gates, Jesus fulfills the law the location of Jerusalem because the name of the Father send his name called...Jesus name must reside to Jerusalem that is the "final resting place name of God" where God record his name. Exodus 20:24.

The book of Ezkiel names all the gates of God where they place all the various offering including the tithings read Ezekiel 48. The New Testament God sealed the Twelve gates of Israel and Twelve foundations of the twelve walls by Jesus Christ. Revelation 7.

Jesus is chosen the gate of Judah Rev.7:5. Jesus chosen this tribe called the order of Melchisedec Hebrew 7:21 Remember Jesus sealed the "Order of Aaron" that is the tribe of Levi where all the tithes and offering begin.

Jesus is the Healer physical earth. Who is the earth? The earth is the LORD. All the herbs can be found healings in our body that is why the earth is the LORD!

Do you know Jesus mention the ...Tithe of Cumin, Tithe of Anise, Tithe of Mint. Matthew 23:23. Tithe is the produce of the land.

Leviticus 27:30
"And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, IS THE LORD's: it is holy unto the Lord.

Hebrew 7:11 The order of Aaron-Levi Rod Tithe is now sealed because Jesus Christ is the High Priest forever because Jesus chosen to rise after the order of Melchisedec NOT the order of Aaron the Levi.  The Tithe is the Rod of God. It is now the Rod of Iron! God started the Tree of Life it will end Tree of Life!
Someday we will enter in through the"Gates" into the City Revelation 22:14.

The chosen twelve gates Revelation 21:12 Tribes of Israel
The chosen twelve wall Revelation 21:14 Twelve apostles of the Lamb.

Tithe Blood can redeemed us! Tithe money cannot redeemed us!

Jesus is the Main Door of Judah's Gate that is the only gate you and I we are going to enter! If your gate is unknown to God that is not the right gate! Jesus is the way...He is the only Gate you are going to enter!

One of this day we are all going to "ENTER TO HIS GATES" Revelation 22:14 says..."Enter in through the Gates into the city"

Revelation 21:25
"The gates of it shall not be shut"
Do you know which gates you are going to enter in? As a reminder there are many gates of hell! Did you obey the commandment of God? Obey the rules of the law of God never violates those chosen gates. We must teach it exactly what is says! Do you recognize the gates of God? If not you better check it out! Don't let one man sits in a Temple telling you what to do. You must observe and teach the law of Christ! Only blood of the Lamb of God can redeemed us! Tithe money cannot bleed!

Revelation 22:14
"Blessed are they that do his commandment, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city"

Can you cannot choose to place your tithe or various offering in different places are claiming the Order of Aarom the Levi! If is not the chosen gates of God is NOT the right gates!

It takes Blood of Christ to Redeem us!
Tithe of the Lamb of God!
Not...not...not...Not Tithe Money!
Tithe money cannot bleed!
Do you beleive Jesus is the Lamb of God?
Written by: Victoria

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Why the wicked prosper?

Why the wicked prosper?
The answer is…check your spirits lives inside of you if is the spirit of good still there or not. If you haven’t read my notes the title…”Never Summoned the Evil spirits” sometime we must ask ourselves what is right in the sight of God? The answer is…God already place written in His own law what is good for you and what is bad for you. In other words there is something you can claim in the law of God and also there is something that you are not allowed to claim in the law of God. Example: The Levi-Tithe Tribe are chosen to “Carry the Ark of the Covenant” in other words if you try to claim this type of account you are a dead meat! Do you remember Korah? Read the entire book of Numbers enlighten yourself. If Korah can speak their language and he is a part of the Levi tribe but is not chosen as a Leader what makes you think today we can claim it? Walla! Only God can choose the people so God choose Moses and Aaron to rule this one nation later on, God will add us.
 Only Levi bloodline can carry this type of Ark. That is why Jesus Christ fulfilled the whole law in order for you not to deal with it all you have to do is…”Carry the name of Jesus Christ” same way the Levi Tribe “Carry the Ark of the Covenant-the Unknown Name of God” can you see the whole picture? I do! Jesus Christ is the same Ark of the Covenant from the Old Testament Law! Got it!
We must pay attention between the words “Warning” warning is good for all of us. Warning is to prevent from bad happening to our walk with God. Warning is to protect our soul and spirit from Satan devices. That is why when we read the Old Testament Law there is a word “Thou shalt not” and “Thou shall” remember anytime you read the thou shalt not God is just protecting you from bad happening to you and your family. It includes all the issues of life.
The law of God today still exists first God wrote directly to His own Creation that is why the proofs can be found in Science, Medicine, History, Archeology, and the Dead Sea  Scroll. God did not just design the Earth and Heaven just to look at but to proof His entire law. When I say entire law of God you must find out what is the violations that you cannot do and what you can do. If you are dealing with Science there are some things you are not allowed to do or to mix some kind of chemicals because can affect the nature.
The five books of Moses is the most important to study because you will find out what is violations and what is not violation. Hints: anytime you read the word “thou shalt not” you must pay attention why? It is because mixing two different seeds can violate the word of God example: between the human seed and the beast seed mix together is number one violation in God’s word, the Bible tells us it is “confusion.” Read entire Exodus “ whosever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death” 22:19.
The main reason why God gave us the “warning” in order to protect us from bad happening, the old serpent beguiled Eve “beguiled means seduce, entice, lure, or cheat somebody” we do know Eve husband is Adam. The first molestation begins in the book of Genesis. Cain is serpent lineage simply because is the first murderer like father like son and Abel is Adam lineage as you can see Abel follow the rules without any rebellion he just do it this two twin brothers are two different fathers but one mother. Is it possible? Yap! Today medical research found twins but two different fathers you might want to research the word…” Heteropaternal Supercundation” gives you a little bit information. The twins in the Old Testament is common not rare. Jacob and Esau is twin’s brother same father and mother. God chosen Jacob to rule the nation today it is very famous nation in the world Israel nation are chosen by God to “Carry the Ark of the Covenant” that is contain manna from heaven, ten commandment, and Aaron name on it tithe- staff that budded with almond flowers.
When you diagnose the Genesis 3 Adam and Eve both naked not only proven by the word of Eve saying…”the serpent beguiled me, meaning seduce me, and I did eat. Remember Satan has a power to transform…embodied or invested with bodily nature and form. Eve is the first woman and mother of the human race between good and evil race. As you can read the Genesis already telling us the curse of the woman is what? Conception! Conception means what? Conception is the beginning of pregnancy of human race.  What is this tells you? The molestation begins to Satan the old serpent! And then Eve gave it to her husband Adam.
The trick of Satan…the fall was caused by Eve when she was deceived by Satan who transform himself to beguiled Eve 2 Corinthian 11:14 Satan transform which was a man-like creature before God changed every bone of his body, and place him on her belly, that the beast seduced Eve, as taught by Moses, Jesus, and Paul, and the all the other prophets conceiving Cain, whom the prophet John says: was begotten of the “Wicked One” I John 3:12. Later on, between the wheat and tare will be separated. According to those farmers the wheat and tares when they grow together you cannot actually see the different they are almost identical. Jesus spoke in parables and very specific about this type of account. Read Matthew 13. The good human race between evil beast human races can grow together without knowing Satan sons and daughters mingle to the children of God.
Why the wicked prosper? The book of Psalm tell us the answer what we need to do very simple and easy. Remember King David the son of Jesse, I have found a man after mine own heart Acts 13:22. David very busy taking care the sheep to protect them from getting hurt. He explores the detail and issues of life even though he is only a shepherd boy. In other word David observe all things even the creation of God that is why when you read the entire Psalm nothing but highest praise David recognize how mighty God is!
In another words if God place the rocks in His own Creation …just don’t look at it…you must explore and discover how many different types of rocks you can discover in this world, how many different kind of species of animals, how many different kind of trees, how many kind of flowers in the world. So this is one of those things we need to consider living for God.
God is not a boring God…He wants you to explore and to discover His own Creation just to prove it to you there is a God who created all things. David recognize the works of the Hand of God he understood when it comes the Creation. But of course David still flesh can make a lot’s of mistake like everybody else like you and me. One thing about David when he makes mistake he will confess it right away he doesn’t rebel that is why …he was called…”a man after mine own heart” but the lineage Satan son which is Cain will never bow down when he makes mistakes instead he will kill like he did kill his own half-brother Abel. The righteous will admit their mistakes but the unrighteous will never admit their mistakes that are the different between of them.
Why the wicked prosper? The answer is in the book of Psalm 73:3. David said…”For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.” Verse 22: David said, so foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee. As you diagnose what David did saying…I was foolish, ignorant, I was a beast before God. In other word if you do the same heathen do the wicked way they will prosper instead of you?
Why the wicked prosper? They steeling your blessing while you doing their wickedness at the same time. You have forgotten to seek God during your hard times instead you mingle to their own foolish and you become beast as they are. How the wicked end their prosperity? Since you and I cannot afford to go to Jerusalem where the Father places His name Jerusalem Sanctuary…Jesus place the Temple inside of us. The sanctuary of God built inside of you.
The answer is Psalm 73:17 “Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end.”
Jesus is the Temple. If you got Jesus…you must keep it clean! Every each one of us we have the Temple of God. One for you, one for me, one for Moses, one for your mom, one for your dad how’s that happen? Jesus makes it happen how? You do know you if all of us go to Jerusalem the whole world live there…there will be no way we all can fit in to the physical sanctuary. How many populations in overall today to all nations who love Jesus do you think we all have room there at physical Jerusalem? Mm mm God is a wise God can make it happen that is why Jesus Christ embedded the Temple inside of the individual of human race! The Tabernacle-Church is YOU Jesus embedded the Church the very inner of man that is called Spirit of God because this is only Jesus can defeat the spirits of Satan from the beginning of the Genesis. Spirit of Good versus spirit of Evil-Satan!
Jesus is the Temple. 2 Corinth. 5:1 For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house NOT made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
Jesus is the Temple. Acts 7:48 However, the Most High does NOT live in houses made by men. As the prophet says:
Jesus is the Temple. Hebrew 9:24 For Christ did NOT enter a man-made sanctuary that was only a copy of the true one; he entered heaven itself, now to appear for us in God’s presence.
Jesus is the perfect Tabernacle. Hebrew 9:11 But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, NOT MADE WITH HANDS, that is to say, NOT OF THIS BUILDING;
Now we understand the request of the apostles…to Jesus saying…one for Moses tabernacle, one for Elijah tabernacle, is that mean we have one too? Oh yea!  There is one tabernacle for you, one for me, one each individual who live for God. Jesus takes care of it once and for all! Jesus is the Tabernacle lives among men!
Why the wicked prosper? The only way they can prosper when you do their wicked as they are. That is why apostles and the prophets tell us Psalm 37:7 Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when the carry out their wicked schemes. Jeremiah says… 12:1 You are always righteous, O LORD, when I bring a case before you. Yet I would speak with you about your justice: Why does the way of wicked prosper? Why do all the faithless live at ease?
The answer is to take care your temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God and ye are not your own? You are the temple of God. I Corinthians 6:19.
That is David says…”Until I went into the sanctuary of God; …..Then….understood I their end” Psalm 73:17.
The answers is never forget to go in inner man called spiritual sanctuary NOT man-made temple.
“And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. Revelation 21:3”
Now, do you believe God lives in the very inside of you? Doesn’t cost you money or transportation to go to physical Church of Jerusalem where God place His name for a starting border line of God. God only want to be recognize the “Name of Jesus” called “New Name of God” given to the Gentiles open the Main Gate of Judah’s Tribe and sealed the Tribe of Levi who carry the Ark of the Covenant Name. Walla!
Written by: Victoria

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Never Summoned the Evil Spirits

Never Summoned the Evil Spirits

Have you heard by the name of Saul? Saul is the first  king chosen by God. God only requires one thing is to obey the rules of the law of God that He establishes. Let us put it this way…same way we follow the rules today’s generation called human law meaning if we didn’t abide more than likely you get penalize regardless the human law is right for you or not.

God He has his own law that we need to abide therefore the end of our life we are judge according to God’s rules that is already has been established by God. The number one violations in God’s Kingdom not to ask counseling to pagan nation, the only counseling that we are requires by God we follow God’s law that is already written. According to Joshua 1:8 tells us….

“Do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful”

We already know what causing the problem when Saul ask an advice to the Witch of Endor if you do not know the story I will advise you to open the Bible read I Samuel 28 that gives you little further details. Endor was a City of the Tribe of Manasseh, it is located somewhere in Southeast of the Sea of Galilee.

When Saul starts asking advice to the witch of Endor he damages his own spirituality that leads him to the downfall. Saul spiritual flaw that actually led him ultimately to his own downfall…he disobey God’s rule. Saul summoned the evil spirits can cause his downfall. What did Saul did? By taking war spoil’s in a battle rather than wiping out all living things, as God had commanded him to do. I Samuel 15:18-26.

The downfall of Saul God rejected Saul as King of Israel. According to the law of God witches, and paganism forbidden from the Old Testament Law, the witches back then they sacrifice human being and summoning the dead according to the book of I Samuel 28:11-16. The witches of Endor known as…communicate with the spirits of the dead. Read I Samuel 8:19; 19:3 and 29:4.

The familiar spirits known as…necromancer, communicator of the dead, witchcraft, divination, sorcery, and pagan god remember every time we summoned the evil spirits in our life…the LORD departed in our life not unless we repent and come back to Him. Number one rule we must identifies all the evil spirits that is include the hatred, rebellion, jealousy, backbiting, and etc…etc.

Every time we summoned the evil spirits in our life there is consequences might us well tell yourself you don’t want blessing of God. In other words the consequences taking place you place a curse in your surrounding such us depressions, chains in your hands, your family that you love is unprotected this is what happen to Saul even his own son died on the battled field. Saul died for his disobedient he disobey God’s rule…asking counsel of one that had a familiar spirit, to enquire of it. I Chronicles 10:13-14.

Summoning the evil spirits in your life…you will lose your contact with God. Satan known as god of this world 2 Cor. 4:4, Satan also known as the prince of the power of the air Ephes. 2:2, also known the ruler of this world John 12:31. That is why we are commanded by God to hate evil, love good Amos 5:15.

Never summoned …spirits of jealousy, spirits of anger…remember you are allowed to “hate” as long….you hate evil, love good. The number one violation backbiting others without any truth are number one violation. Those types of spirits lingering in your life causes your job, your family, your communication to God, and remember it causes to delete your blessing in your life. It includes your financial situation meaning there is always taking place without any reason.

That is why Jesus commanded us to love your enemies why? Simple because He wants you to summoned the good in your life to delete all evil spirits inside of you. Philippians 4:8-9 tells us…

Whatsoever things are…true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have learned, and received, and heard, and see, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.

Many people they rather contacting the dead or familiar spirits instead of contacting God. When you enquire God, ask permission before you do anything sometimes the things that you want it so bad doesn’t go in that route why simple because God has better route for you.

What trigger the blessing of God? A prayer a day keeps the evil away. And the more you pray the more blessing you will receive. If you want to contact God you just have to learn how to send your message own your own instead relying others prayers. God is a personal God do not be afraid to tell Him what you want. What you got to lose?

Sometimes you just have to learn to kneel down on your own before the throne of God. Sometimes looking back in the past it’s a good thing see why God blesses you that particular year, month, and day. Ask yourself question did God blesses you in the past? If you are receiving blessing those days what did you do…to access and trigger that blessing? Ask yourself.

The blessing of God can be tracing it down such as…protecting your family, protect you from people who robbing you, protect you from all form of accusation in your life no matter how the people tried to destroy your reputation.

Many people they are fasting physical food…have you heard fasting in a spiritual way? Try it see what happen when you fasting in a spiritual fasting. How? Try to fast in one month without thinking evil to others only speaking good things only to others, and do the actions part help those are in need.

Fasting one month without saying bad comments because bad comments is more than likely you are summoning the evil spirits in your life and can destroy others and falls back to you meaning what you measure it will measure back to you. Delete all bad comments and delete all stirring words can trigger the curse instead of blessing.

If you endure this type of fasting you will see the good results. That is why 2 Corinthians 10:4 says…”For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God, to the pulling down of strong hold.”

The book of Joshua 9:18 also tells us…”Do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful”

Written by: Victoria

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Have you is written? God created female

Have you heard…it is written? God created female

Do you know Jesus said…it is written? Matthew 4:4 Bread of life is called the Word of God.  If we go back in the Old Testament Law there are many things that are written in the law of God. Or we can just look around and see the earth and heaven are written exactly God says. Today’s world there is many accusers of the brethren and judging between male and female. This type of accusers they are more focusing the policy of men instead focusing the law of God.  Be careful to those false teachers all they do is to judge others instead of teaching them. Jesus said…teaching them to observe Matthew 28:20.

As far as we know the policy of men rapidly changes it doesn’t stays the same but the Word of God will remain the same. What is the policy of men? In general speaking regardless politics or the church teaching issues the policy of men must follow. The policy of men can be changes today or the next day there is no assurance to the next what was taking place.

According to the book of Daniel 8:25 “And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princess; but he shall be broken without hand.

The Word of God tells us… God created male and female this is written in the law of God beginning the book of Genesis 5:2. The word of God remain the same from the beginning never changes. If God created you male it is written in the law of God this type of law cannot be changes even though mankind trying to changes you or trying to changes your nature. Did not matter if you have surgery to changes your identity in God’s eyes you still remain the same male as it is written.

It is written God created female as well from the beginning of the book of Genesis this type of law cannot be changes. Without female from the beginning the mankind it is very impossible to multiply today’s generation. When God created Adam He created him male and Eve as a female in order to multiply.

God pronounce the blessing…And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. Genesis 1:28.

It is written in the law of God male and female must multiply in order to populate the earth. Without father we cannot have a mother today. Without mother we cannot have father’s today in vice versa.

Today we can say…Happy Mother’s Day or we can say Happy Father’s Day. Father and Mother created by God in a very special way. Every human being born today they are specials in God’s eyes. You are special in God’s eyes!

If the policy of mankind changing the bond between male and female it is impossible to do it. Probably the written policy called written paper can do it but the inner male and female God created cannot be done in writing or policy of mankind Because God directly made them in a special way there are both different but must connected each other in order to populate, to produce, and to multiply as the scripture says. It is written God created male and female.

It is written….

“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away Matthew 24:35.”

Jesus mentioned the devil …when he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. John 8:44

Remember Satan also known the “accuser of the brethren” Revelation 12:10 Satan is number one bullying in the world. Satan will talk to you and accuse you that you are created man when you are a female. But in God’s eyes He created you perfect male and perfect female it is written all over you the word of God. God designed you very unique and in a special way.

When God says…it is written …it is written all over you! It is not written by ink, or paper policy. No man can duplicate who you are!

It is written…Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Jeremiah 1:5.

The devil can make any type of policy to changes things around, the enemy of our soul trying to convinced you and tell the whole world that you are male when you are not or can be vice versa the accusation. But God knew you before you even born. It is written that God created male and female no man can write a degree to changes that you are!

The book of Romans 1:25 say…who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers! Thank God for all mothers today without the mother and the father the earth will not populate that is the facts of life!

It is written…Genesis 2:18 and the LORD God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

Written by: Victoria

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Two law of mind one is spiritual and one is carnal

Two law of mind one is spiritual and one is carnal

According to my study there are two laws that are battling for a long long time. This type of law called spiritual battle between the carnal laws of your mind. There are times you and me suffering the issues of our thinking. That is why God Himself takes care of this type of law.

This is what part of Jesus Christ taking care of this type of diseases. The carnal mind is actually enmity of God because this is a type of law that is called work of the flesh.

The Spiritual law of God it is called “Good” anything is good foundation is actually healthy for you. But, the foundation of evil destroys your entire life even your own family, friends get infected this type of diseases. The disease doesn’t have to be actual cancer. But, the language you speak that is the one is going to destroy you at the end. That is why this scripture tells us exactly causing our sin.

“Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin;” Ecclesiastes 5:6

OR you can say todays’ language

“Do not let your mouth lead you into sin.”

Carrying the Word of God is now place inside our hearts and mind in order for us to say NO to the devil. The Word says it exactly we are warning about the works of the devil.

When you carry God’s Word…the devil tremble…when you speak the law of God…the devil shakes.

When the devil sees in you do the “Right of Action”…he tremble.

When he sees your living the Word of God called “Action of Right”…he flees.

The only way…you can defeated the devil…using the word of God with action…say NO to the works of the flesh.

The works of the flesh called…”your mind -carnal” Romans 7:14-25

14 For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin. 15 For that which I do allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. 16 if then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good. 17 now then it is more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.

18 For I know that in me me (that is , in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. 19 For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. 20 Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.

As we can read the scripture the writer himself has his own struggle between the carnal mind and spiritual mind. Two laws of your mind in one temple fighting each other like a warring of your mind.

21 I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. 22 For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: 23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. 24 O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death? 25 I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.

The works of the flesh it causes the end of human life or you can say end time of your life. The Bible tells us as long we live in this type of flesh the intelligent called the devil uses earth as his own throne. Satan is a prince of air if you know that he can invented some evil stuff to destroy God’s creation that is why God has to established a “KINGDOM” that will never corrupt that is called “Spiritual Heaven”

The works of the flesh includes the signs of end time because of the bad invention of the devil is nothing to destroy the whole world the scriptures tells us that if…you read the word of God you will find out your own self. Do not depend someone else mouth read it for yourself. That is why Jesus Christ before He left this world He gave a commandment …observe and teach. In order for you teach you must read the scriptures for yourself and to observe what was happening in this world. God doesn’t want you to be ignorant NOT sitting in one pew for over five years not knowing the scriptures.

The signs of end time warring between good law and evil law …

Earthquakes in diver’s places read the book of Matthew 24

Men’s heart failing them to fear Luke 21:26 what fears you today? Job, family issues, your kids, pretty everything that the world provide us today, economy and etc…

Having a form of Godliness, but denying the power of thereof 2Timothy 3:5 There are many people using the scriptures to make money today. They never actually taking care the needy some of them buying fancy houses and car to take care their own self instead taking care the saints of God and others. Do you know Jesus Christ free us, gave us free word, He made the earth for us to dwell in for free…why would we make money out of it when is all free. When we get to heaven called “New Jerusalem” is all free all He wants you to do is to make decision to be in His side. He require you to be washed in His blood in order for the death of angel to pass you by …exactly when the days of Egypt from the Old Testament procedures if you know what I mean? If not, you haven’t read the entire scriptures.

What is war and rumors of wars? Matthew 24:6 if reading the above of this message I already told you the carnal mind of the flesh …the devil is called intelligent he will invent so many inventions to destroy God’s creation. Did the Bible say…about the witty inventions of men? Yap! Wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of “witty inventions.” Proverbs 8:12

Is there something wrong to invent? NO! God wants you to use it for good not evil!

What about eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage? Ask yourself is the word of God exactly told us? Yap! I myself was married one time in my life. The word of God just proved everything what was happening between two laws of your mind, one law of good and one law of evil.

So if you truly love Jesus in your life…try to apply the law of good! What did Jesus said? In order for us to inherit the eternal life is…

“Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is, God:” Matthew 19:16-26.

Careful using the Rod of God…if is not giving to you …you don’t have the right to use it. The only rights we have are all in the name of Jesus Christ! As far as the Rod of Levi …Jesus is not going to share it! Why? The Ark of the Covenant sealed by Jesus Christ if…this is already sealed no man can open it! The Rod of Tithe must fulfill by Jesus Christ…that Rod can only be offered in a certain location. This is what Jesus fulfilled the entire law! If know what I mean?

No man can redo the setting of the Covenant of Levi only Jesus Christ has the Right to do it all!

Written by: Victoria

Saturday, April 14, 2012

what is worship mean?

What is worship mean?
Greetings friends and family! We do know we are commanded to worship God. How do we worship God? More than likely friends and family might tell us go to the physical church and worship God.  Don’t give me wrong…going to the physical churches there is nothing wrong to communion with friends and family. Actually we are commanded to gather in His name but the Bible tells us certain amount of people who we can assembly or gather together in His name.  
Jesus mentions two or three gathered in my name Jesus Christ He will be in the midst. Matthew 18:20. I believe some of us many talents, such as some five talents, two talents, and one talents meaning each according to his own several ability; Mathew 25:15. Every day we share our abilities in order to tell the neighbor, the whole world about the good news living for God.
How do we worship God? We worship God spirit and in truth that is the right answer according to John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in a spirit and in truth.
First we need to find out what is truth? The answer is truth is called law of God. What? Yap! You heard me! Law? Yap! Did the Bible tell us that? Where are the scriptures that can back it up? Are you ready? Ok then,
“THY LAW IS THE TRUTH” Psalm 119:142 “Truth also known as Spirit of God and also known as THE FATHER OR CREATOR. When God did establish the “Law?” it begins in the book of Genesis through the book of Revelation.
The law of God... known as commandments. Jesus said…if you love me, keep my commandments John 14:15 and of course, God gave Ten Commandment to Moses before we read the New Testament law we must read the entire Old Testament Law in order to understand the book of the generation of Jesus Christ. The Law of Christ it begins in the Old Testament Law.
That is why when we read the very first chapter of Mathew all the lineage of Christ begins in the Old Testament Law. Can you imagine today’s generation the name of Abraham still exist today? Why? Because… God built the foundation of the Law in the Old Testament Law. Probably, today if you go Abraham home town His name very popular because he follow God’s rules and commandment.
Even today in every nation they even made a song called…father Abraham many sons and daughters. Think about today Abraham still well known today’s generation amazing how God made him very popular the whole earth today. What did Jesus say John 8:58? Jesus said to them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. Wow! How can be Jesus in the Old Testament Law when we know He is not even fifty years old yet in the New Testament Law verse 57.
The answer the Word of God made of “FLESH” John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Flesh of Jesus Christ called Word. According to the scriptures says…
“God was manifest in the flesh”
And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory I Timothy 3:16
That is why when you worship God …you got to know the Truth about Jesus Christ. Worshiping God is more than lifting up your hands in a pew benches, worshiping God is more than dancing around in the physical church, worshiping God Is more than saying…hallelujah or praise God. The true worshiper must worship God in a Spirit and Truth called Law of God meaning you got to know what pleases God, what violation, what is not violations in God’s Kingdom.
When you called upon Jesus Christ …He gave you the authorization under His name to protect our soul and spirit. We are under His grace. Getting to know our Creator we must know who is your worshipping. That is why Jesus revealed Himself to us.
When I say revealed Himself I am talking about the mystery and hath been hid in God. The book of Genesis says…in the beginning.
Jesus revealed the Genesis in the beginning called The Creator who spoke the Word everything that we see such as plant, trees, land, seas, ocean, rocks, fish, animals, human being God spoke the Word everything it appears in our own eyes. If God can created all things…is it impossible for God Himself to create His own body flesh? The Word of God made of Flesh.
The Creator, The Spirit, The Father, known as Law of God….the New Testament Law revealed the mystery and hid in God from the beginning. Let us read Ephesians 3:9
“And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, Who created all things by Jesus Christ-The Word made of Flesh.
Now we can understand the New Testament in the book of Matthew first chapter mentioned the Old Testament name of all the prophets is the lineage of Christ. Saying…
The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. 2 Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat Judas and his brethren; ….just all the way verse 17 saying,
So all the generation from Abraham to David are 14 generations;
And from David until the carrying away into Babylon are 14 generations;
And from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are 14 generations.
Now you know the Truth shall about the God of Israel the mystery hath been hid in God is now revealed to all of us the Word made of flesh-Jesus Christ.
The Old Testament prophets they have faith even though they don’t see God in Flesh but now, we still carry their faith because God open the door of faith to the Gentiles Acts 14:273
“Now to him who is able to establish you by my gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the MYSTERY HIDDEN FOR LONG AGES PAST, Romans 16:253.
The Mystery of God is now revealed to all of us…Colossians 1:26 Even the mystery which hath been hid from the past ages and generations, but has now been manifested to His Saints.
“Kept hidden in God, who created all things by: Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 3:9
Jesus Christ known as the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death John 8:2
Are you true worshippers of Christ? John 4:23 says…
“The true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him”
Now, you know what is really worshiping mean. Is not the physical building but the Law that has been established of God from the beginning of the Genesis through Revelation?
Written by: Victoria

Monday, April 09, 2012

This is wisdom between lazy and diligent

This is wisdom between lazy and diligent
God always commanded to take cares the needy. There is a different between handicap and to those people who can work. Let us separately this two together shall we. If you are not able to work God will understand the entire situation but, if you are able to work God required you to help other instead asking them to help you. That is the big difference between those two scenarios.
According to the law of God spoke the negative which is called lazy. And God spoke to those positive which is called diligent. Keep in mind we are talking about two scenarios one able to work and one not able to work because of the circumstances of their situation.
Let us read what the scriptures has to say shall we…
Proverbs 10:4 He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.
Psalm 37:25 I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.
Psalm 37:28 For the LORD loves the just and will not forsake his faithful ones. They will be PROTECTED FOREVER, but the offspring of the wicked will be cut off;
Proverbs 10:3 The LORD does not let the righteous thwarts the craving of the wicked.
This is wisdom…probably in your younger age you always the nature to help others God sees all the faithfulness inside your heart but, to those who neglect the others that who are in need they never help even one finger in their younger days God sees the wickedness of their heart. That is the difference between the processes of time of their life.
When we compare King David how he walk in God’s law this man of God he helps so many poor when he is not able to help and when he became King his nature of giving never ends that is why David says….
Psalm 37:28 For the LORD loves the just and will not forsake his faithful ones. They will be what? PROTECTED FOREVER, but the offspring of the wicked will be cut off;
Written by: Victoria

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Probably by now why I am addressing this messages about concerning the Tithe. It has been more than seven years now since I had the terrible dream that dream it was actually the message from the book of Malachi. My dream is all about the dragon is when you read the first chapter of Malachi. In my dream there are many serpents chasing after me. In my dream there is an angel showing me how to get rid of them. The angel shows me to go to that border line of God. I believe that was the chosen gates and there are twelve walls. While those serpents chasing me I am running to get to those chosen walls when I look back I saw those serpents changes and became flying serpents as a dragons this time I saw them flying in the air. When I run towards to the border lines walls where the angels told me to go those dragons cannot enter to those border lines. Malachi 1:1-5.
This type of serpent they did not obey God’s rules and regulations which is the order of Aaron. They laid the rules of God in the wilderness like Malachi says in the first chapter. The flying serpents that I dream I didn’t know it is in the book of Isaiah 14:29 the root of the serpent started lineage of Palestina…saying because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent’s root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a “fiery flying serpent.” This flying serpent they did not follow the right rules and regulations what they did they chose the place for themselves even though is not the border line of God. God made it clear He has to choose the place before they can even place the proper sacrifice place. God gave them warning from the book of Deuteronomy 12:13 saying…TAKE HEED TO THYSELF THAT THOU OFFER NOT THY BURNT OFFERING IN EVERY PLACE THAT THOU SEEST:” the places and border line it is very important to God. That is why Malachi addressing the problem the improper sacrifice in the first chapter God said… I loved Jacob/Israel, and I hated Esau. Why God hated Esau? Esau laids his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness. Esau chose the place where God is not very please when it comes the offering. Esau made an offering to the wrong place and bad sacrifice.
As you can read the book of Malachi …God chosen Jacob place…first chapter and verse 5 saying…The LORD will be magnified from the “BORDER OF ISRAEL.” That is why when we teach the Tithes and offering from the Old Testament Law we makes sure we teach it right. The tithe and various offerings from the Old Testament Law is very sensitive subject.
Benefactors Luke 22:25 this is regarding to those human law called “The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise “AUTHORITY UPON THEM ARE CALLED BENEFACTORS.”
Jesus Christ made it clear this type of benefactors they are pertaining to those rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them Mark 10:42 Note: this is not pertaining the word Tithe from the Old Testament Law. Note: The order of Aaron which he collect tithe from the tribes of Israel is not the same tithe of the human law today. The human law today they used the tithe word as the percent as paying taxes or anything that can be used to help their nations. When we teach the pertaining tithe word makes sure we clarify it…are we talking about the Order of Aaron (Hebr.7:11) or are we talking about the benefactors pertaining to the Gentiles Law? Which one? That way the confusions we eliminate it! There are many false doctrine using this type of message and twist it to used it for their own gain. The reason why it is twisted message they used the tithe from the Old Testament Law as the order of Aaron and they twist it as tithe ink money and the false teachers called it redemption –never realize it. The order of Aaron as tithing is support the poor and requires physical food in order to feed them. Jesus Christ fulfilled this type of ministry to feed the five thousand without using the money He perform miraculously feeding them according to Matthew 14:17 “And they say unto him, we have here but five loaves, and two fishes” Jesus fed them 5,000 according to Matthew 16:9. The order of Aaron …Jesus fulfilled it by feeding the 5,000.
The apostles of Jesus Christ still obeying when it comes giving…to others but, they did not using the Tithe from the Old Testament Law instead they use the word contributions to help the poor, fatherless, widow, and stranger of the land. Romans 15:26 “For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain “CONTRIBUTION” for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem.
Acts 20:35 “I have shewed you all things, how that so laboring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, it is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Sharing is the most important part in our life Jesus Christ our LORD shared so many things for us. One thing we need to remind ourselves that Jesus Christ did not share “MONEY” He shared by teaching others what we need to do. Sharing doesn’t have to involved money. Don’t give me wrong today’s generation money it’s involved buying some stuff that we need especially food, clothing, place to stay.
I had shared so many stuff when it comes “Tithe, Contribution, Taxes” these three must be taught separately simply because they are the same concept giving but they are three different rules and regulations.
Tithe- the order of Aaron must place it to those chosen gates that are why Jesus place twelve gates in Heaven that is the results dying for us that’s part of it. The rules and regulations cannot place it in different places without God’s consent. Simply because God has to place the chosen gates in Heaven that is the purpose for those animals sacrifice that is requires blood sacrifice that’s the main reason Jesus He only enter one time in order for us NOT to defiled God’s rules and regulations. Read Hebrew 9:12 and read the Hebrew 7:11 notice Jesus did not rise after the order of Aaron? Jesus rise after the order of Melchisedec. Why? Because the Hebrew writer 7:17 “For it is declared: “You are a priest forever, what? Priest forever meaning…no more sacrifice for us to do today like they did in the Old Testament Rules and Regulations. Hebrew 10:1 tells us that saying…The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming-not the realities themselves. For this reason it can NEVER, BY THE SAME SACRIFICES REPEATED ENDLESSLY YEAR AFTER YEAR, make perfect those who draw near to worship. The former regulation is set aside because it was weak and useless Hebrew 7:18. Jesus Christ takes care of it once and for ALL! Hebrew 9:12 “But by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us” we are redeemed …”BLOOD OF CHRIST….MEANING NOT INK TITHE MONEY NEITHER BY THE BLOOD OF GOATS AND CALVES!”
When we teach the tithe, contributions, and taxes we must tell them about the rules and regulations. I wrote a note way back the title called “Benefactors” I pretty much explained some of the rules and regulations. When we talk about tithe we must address which tithe we are talking about. Is it tithe from the Old Testament Law or Tithe under human law? Which one? This type of teaching we must address it in a “Right Way” otherwise if we fail to teach it in a wrong way there is a big penalty.
Tithe from the Old Testament Law given to Moses and Aaron that is pertaining God’s rules and regulation. Tithe from the human law talks about in general today’s generation how to submit ourselves to those who has the authority “OVER YOU” many rulers today they use this Word “OBEY THEM THAT RULED OVER YOU” but the problem they are creating they only USED IT FOR THEIR MINISTRY makes sure they are the only one we need to obey. Jesus mentioned the word “Benefactors” this is all about concerning the “Human Law” NOT concerning God’s law. NOT unless they obey God’s rules and regulations between Old and New Testament Law.
-If you work for the company and you did not obey them that rule over you more than likely you will get fired. You must obey their rules and regulation this is what Jesus talking about the word benefactors that is pertaining to the human law known as magistrates such as tribute, custom and etc…
-if you don’t obey your mom and dad more than likely they will take away your allowance or the things that you really love.
-if you go to the store and you must buy the item makes sure pay for it…if you don’t their policy can put you away!
-if you travel or drive a car without no permit more than likely if…you get pulled over you are going to pay the circumstances.
That is why Jesus told them saying…the kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors. Luke 22:25
The book of Romans 13: 1 tell us also “let every person be subject to the governing authorities meaning we need to submission to the authorities why? Read on verse 6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom. In other words if you owe a man you must pay it back!!!
Read further Romans 13: 8 OWE NO MAN! Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for he that loveth hath fulfilled the law.
Jesus Christ pretty much explained everything to the apostles when it comes concerning “MAGISTRATES” Luke 12:58. As you are going with your adversary to the magistrate, try hard to be reconciled to him on the way, or he may drag you off to the judge, and the judge turn you over to the officer and the officer throw you into prison. The word of Jesus actually very explanatory but remember if this type of judges they over misuse this type of power they will be judge as well!
1 Peter 2:13-14 says…Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king,
As supreme;
Or unto governors,
As unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.
In other words God wants us to obey them that ruled over you NOT ONLY YOUR LEADER OF THE CHURCH; we need to include the magistrates as Jesus and the apostles tell us to do. The wrong teaching of the FALSE DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCHES…they just want you to obey them but they did not include the magistrates for the human law! That is wrong! 1 Peter 2:13 says…Submit yourselves to every …to every… ORDINANCE OF MAN for the Lord’s sakes!
Why? Why? Why? Example: If you didn’t show up in your job …you will not able to provide food for your family simple as it is! That does explain plain and simple! Is not because the people doesn’t go to your church doesn’t mean you can’t submit to them. That’s was the problem of the people “CLAIM TO BE AS A CHRISTIANITY” can’t submit to the ordinance of man as 1 Peter 2:13 says! Be aware! There is a balance of submission God given us the Wisdom and Knowledge in order to prevent their wrong doing as well! In other words if the false teacher teaching false teaching …get out there! That’s what I meant! Same way… if the ordinance of man is bad get out of there! God has given us the wisdom to know between good and bad! So if the ordinance of man is good follow it! Based on God’s law!
Written by: Victoria