Saturday, February 25, 2012

What is the idle word according to the law of God?

What is the idle word according to the law of God?
The idle word we can refer it to the physical body or we can also refer it spiritual body. God in the Old Testament always use the physical in order proven for us the spiritual realm. We do know God has His own Garden of Eden …He started a Garden His own but of course we already know the story how Satan trick Eve. Eve is an ignorant in the word of God but Adam has a knowledge God’s law. We do know the Old Testament rules and regulation there is a sacrifice of an animal for the ignorant. You can probably read the entire New Testament Law but if you neglect to read the Old Testament Law our ignorant mentally mind that is not going to work. In other words you can’t put the puzzles without connecting the Old and New Testament together. You got to know what was happening from the Old Testament Law in order for you to connect the dot in the New Testament Law. Easy as a pie! Meaning if…. You truly believe Jesus is the God of Israel you must find out the “Root of David!” ok…let me go back to the idle word.
What is the idle word actually means? Idle word means having no basis in fact, also known as idle gossip. The word of God has lots of things to say about the idle word. Don’t get offended if the scripture tells you like it is!  We do know the Old Testament law they are not allowed to eat unclean animals. One thing we need to remember some animals we cannot eat today simply because some of the animals carry diseases. Can you imagine if you eat the meat contaminated bunch of diseases yak! I surely, don’t want that inside my body. That is why we need to take cares our Temple of the Holy Ghost meaning whatever you eat that is going to ruin your entire physical body.
The God of Israel gave the instructions all the “Dietary Laws” that is why they are very careful what they eat! The Creator also made us Male and Female…remember your identity cannot be changes even though you claim to be a female when people see you as a male or can be vice versa. Don’t lie on your identity! Your identity cannot be changed NO matter what you claim to be! If God made you male that is going to be…if God made you a female that is going to be! The only thing that is going to get you is what inside the dirty activities you are performing causing us to sin. Let us get real here ok…the dirty activities is actually collecting sin called…diseases over the years…such as aids, a disease of the immune system caused by infection with the retrovirus HIV, which destroys some types of white blood cells and is transmitted through blood or bodily secretions such as semen and etc..etc… again, is not because you “CLAIM TO BE” male or female…get real God created you in His own image male and female that is already settled Heaven and Earth God’s Law whether you like or not!
The dirty activities are what going to get you not because you claim to be female or male when you are not! Let us get real ok…if you claim to be male whether you like it or not you still going to the Ladies room! Now who is your fooling around with people???? People can SEE! Lying tongue is actually going to get us at the end because we can’t pointing fingers calling names people such and such when we know God made you male and female in His own image.
The spiritual is very important for us today…we can say one word to one person it’s activate the anger management in less than a second that’s how powerful the word we speaks! The idle word we speak that is going to get us at the end….LYING TONGUE! You can’t lie the word of God when God made you male and female. Twisting the law of God is number one violation. If someone asks me …saying…I am a man…and I see it my own eyes she is a female not only tries to make me commit lying and she lies too! The lying tongue we need to be very careful don’t let anybody to convince you for something his or her not!
What is the idle word has to say according to the law of God? Matthew 12:36 says…”But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the judgment” Did you accuse someone they are female when you yourself see him as a male? That is going to get you in judgment!!!!! Don’t lie and don’t accuse a person when you know yourself God created them in His own image male and female!!!!!  Again, the curtain behind that dirty performance that they do that is going to get them at the end is not because what they claim to be!!! Got it! Teach the law of God without NO LIES!!!!!
The tongue that you speak of lies is the one is going to get us at the end because we cannot join others pin pointing fingers because the claim them as male when we see them as a female! That is the lie! Lying tongue is the one is going to get us at the end! The idle lie we speaks to others is going to get us! This is what we going to give account in the judgment just like Matthew says!
Tongue is a fire because of the lie what we heard and see. If someone tells you He is a lady when you see it yourself he is a man that is a big lie! James 3:6 “and the tongue is a fire, a word of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.” David says…Save me, O LORD, from lying lips and from deceitful tongues Psalm 120:2.
Do you know we need to be very careful what people say? Makes sure you flip the book of life see what God has to say about this scenario don’t agree right away when they claim they are made man when you know you are speaking directly to her she is made female in God’s eyes! Don’t tell a BIG LIE!      Do you know…we will have to give an account on the Day of Judgment for every careless, word we have spoken? Matthew 12:36 Do you know what was goes into a person’s mouth meaning what you eat does not make you “UNCLEAN” Jesus fix this problem in the spiritual body He no longer for you require not eating the unclean from the Old Testament law because if you love shrimp, and bacon today that is actually unclean in the Old Testament law this time but what comes OUT OF YOUR MOUTH-LYING MOUTH, meaning contradict the word of God false information called lying tongue, that is what makes you “UNCLEAN!”
Do you know according to the rules and regulation and the law of God…all kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and creatures of the sea are being tamed by man? But the tongue of a man cannot be tamed; it is an unruly evil, FULL OF DEADLY POISON...James 3:1-8.
Don’t accuse people even though they claim to be male of female when you see it your  own self they are created as female and male. Don’t let them to talk to you even they claim it for themselves! When God says…He created us in His own image that is going to be no matter how they claim that they are not! Because the word of God already settled Heaven and Earth! Don’t let them to FORCE YOU TO LIE!
Written by: Victoria