Saturday, January 04, 2014

Jesus said, I am come in my Father's name

Jesus said, I am come in my Father’s name

Why the Old Testament Law God never reveals His name? God’s name kept it secret from the Old Testament Law. The Father’s name from the Old Testament Law has known as the Spirit of God. In order to understand Jesus Christ the same Father, Son, and Holy Ghost from the Old Testament Law we must read the entire books of the Old Testament Law otherwise the key words that we need to know it will be hard to diagnose the scriptures. “Keep in mind the word “PUT/SEND” the put/send it will access the name of the Father, and Holy Ghost from the Old Testament Law. Key word “put” my name in Jerusalem O.T. Law.

Ask yourself why God kept His name secret? Why so many titles given names to the Father or Spirit in the Old Testament Law? Did Jesus reveal the name (singular) of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost in the New Testament Law? The answer is yes! He is speaking to them and He reveals His name to the hearer. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is the same God called invisible God from the Old Testament Law. He is known as Second Adam-Spirit.

Jesus Christ reveals the name of the Father from the Old Testament Law by saying…”Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father (Jesus speaking for Himself because He is the only one who is saying it in this verse.), and of the Son, (We already know Jesus is the Son of God as you notice He is also saying to this scriptures.), and of the Holy Ghost (again, this verse Jesus telling us who is the Holy Ghost).” Matthew 28:19.

Now, let us break this down the name of the Father, The Son, And the Holy Ghost shall we? We already know Jesus is the Son of God But, some people having a problem the name of the Father when we read the Mathew 28:19 Jesus already reveal Himself in three categories. The Son must redeem us by His blood. The Father makes a promise to put His “name” in Jerusalem. The Father (which is known Spirit of God) has chosen the place of Jerusalem. But, of course, God kept His name secret to the children of the Israel.

Why secret? Well, if is not secret Jesus will not come to us to reveal in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Is that right? What about the Holy Ghost? The Holy Ghost actually, if you honest enough to yourself that you read the entire law of the Old Testament Law is nothing but, instructions for righteousness…meaning…the Holy Ghost known as “Rod of Correction of the Law of God” King David tells us thy rod and thy staff it’s comfort me. The Holy Ghost is called “Comforter” that is why Jesus said, “…the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name…” notice the Old Testament put His name and place it in Jerusalem. This prophecy Jesus fulfilled it! The name of the Father is…”Jesus said I am come in my Father’s name…” Bingo!

The name of the Son is…”thou shalt call his name Jesus…” Matthew 1:21 (The name “Jesus” means “Jehovah” has become our Salvation.”)  Let us read Isaiah 62:2 says… “The Gentiles would see His righteousness, and Kings would see His glory, and He shall be called by a new name which the Lord shall name. That is why Joseph did not name Him, but God sent an angel to name Him. The new name is Jesus (Jehovah Savior). Jesus confirmed the Matthew 28:19 He is the Son of God. Let us read the Matthew 12:18-21 He is showing here that Jesus is fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah when he wrote “In His name shall the Gentiles trust”.

The Covenant name His name “Jesus-Son or Flesh of God” when Jesus speaking saying…go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name (singular) of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost…” as you notice, Jesus reveal the name Father, Son, and Holy Ghost simply because He is confirming His name. (Son) In other words, if you cannot recognizes the Father, or Holy Ghost. The Son well known to all of us He is the Son of God. But, some of us we cannot tell who is the Father, and Holy Ghost. More than likely we overlook the scriptures or we didn’t read the Old Testament Law because we can’t miss it by the time we finished reading the Genesis already confirms that Jesus Christ the Messiah. Jesus is our Tabernacle. (Original Tabernacle-Tent)

The setting of the Tabernacle so many details to describes about Jesus Christ. The setting of the Tabernacle shape like a cross, the set up tribes of God is very unique. That is why the setting of the Tabernacle made of what Tent? Why made of Tent? The Tent there is no designation place yet simply God measuring all the lands that God chosen in the Old Testament Law. They travel. We already know they are twelve Gates each gate known as one tribe. The book of Revelation reveals those chosen twelve gates of God known as twelve tribes of Israel. Those chosen gates of God where all the various offering started in the Old Testament Law. That is why we cannot offer our offering in different places without God consent this what the tribes did in the Old Testament Law.

The name of the Son is known as…Proverbs 30:4 
Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended?
Who hath gathered the wind fists?
Who hath bound the waters in a garment?
Who hath established all the earth?
What is his name, and what is his Son’s name, if thou canst tell?
How the writer Proverbs cans identify the Son of God here? Wow! Did Jesus fulfill this type of law from the Old Testament law? Yes indeed! Jesus ascended and descended, gathered the wind fists, bound the waters in a garment, established the earth, and He reveals His name Jesus!

To be continue…Part 2

Written by: Victoria

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