Sunday, February 02, 2014

Jesus said, I am come in my Father’s name Part 10

Jesus said, I am come in my Father’s name Part 10

The Scepter of Judah

The scepter of Judah is the most important part God’s command. We must read the entire Old Testament Law in order for us to understand what Jesus saying…”Moses wrote of Me.” We must recognize what Moses wrote in order to understand what Jesus telling those people. Moses wrote five books of the Old Testament Law: Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, Leviticus, and Numbers. Moses wrote the setting of the Tabernacle that is includes all the commandment of God to the children of Israel. (Remember they are instructions of the law of God) Before we can even understand the Matthew 28:18-20 saying…”And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Do you know Jesus is your covering as well?  Matthew 28:18-20. Jesus covers your sin. This type of sin is the only way God can redeem us through His Blood! The Holy Ghost is more than speaking in tongues than you think!

The Holy Ghost also has known the Rod of God Exodus 4:20 “Moses took the rod of God.” Between the Prophecies the Rod of God will not depart from the tribe of Judah Psalm 60:7 Judah is my Scepter. Remember the name of Jesus Christ is the Highest name Heaven and earth! The Scepter of Judah is in the name of Jesus Christ because Jesus Christ came out tribe of Judah. John 14:6 Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father (Father’s name is Jesus) except through me.” According to the Prophecy the Antichrist will denied both Father and Son. The Antichrist will deny the Father is not made of Flesh. I John 2:22-23. Who is liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. 

Jesus already confirms who is the Father and Son by saying…”I and my Father are one” meaning we can see the Son made of Flesh and the Father is the Image of Good (meaning the invisible God’s image love, kind, merciful, and etc..) there is no evil Image of Him but nothing Good. Remember God cannot be evil image! Impossible for God to have the image of lie! He is the Image of Truth! In order to understand the “Father” we must recognize He is Good Image not another person beside Jesus! We only have one God as a reminder! Remember antichrist denied the Father and Son, the antichrist known as the Image of Father of Lies!

Jesus said, Moses wrote of Me

Remember the Scepter of Judah is a Rod was a symbol of authority. This type of Rod Jesus reveal it in Matthew 28:18-20 this is a very well-known scripture in the New Testament Law. “All power is given to me.” Meaning Jesus is the only one has the authority the power was given to Moses. Moses took the Rod of God to protect the children of Israel from Pharaoh. As a reminder a Rod was symbol of authority (meaning God’s Rod is higher authority than any King in this earth), because Shepherds would use a rod to guide and correct the sheep. (Psalm 23:4) Moses, a shepherd, had a rod in his hand when tending the sheep in the wilderness Exodus 4:2; this rod later

The Rod of God given to Moses this is the same rod demonstrated Moses authority in action, by miraculously becoming a serpent, and then becoming a rod again Exodus 7:9-10) This is the same authority what Jesus trying to tell us Moses wrote of Me. The rod of Moses given by God same rod demonstrated by turning the waters of the Nile into blood, by bringing forth the plaques of frogs, lice, hail, and locusts. God commanded Moses to raise the rod over the red sea when it was parted. Read Exodus chapter 7 through chapter 14. Keep in mind the Ark of the Covenant Jesus fulfills this law.

The Ark of the Covenant is a reminder of Korah’s Rebellion

Numbers 16:40 “To be a Memorial unto the children of Israel, that no stranger, which is not of the seed of Aaron, come near to offer incense before the LORD; that he be not as Korah, and as his company: as the LORD said to him by the hand of Moses. Warning this is actually the “Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost” why is it blasphemy of the Holy Ghost? This is the Rod of God! Meaning if Korah is not authorized to be a leadership and he is not chosen by God he does not have that authorization to rule the nation of Israel. 

This is the reason why God chosen one rod out of the twelve rods. The chosen rod is the rod of Aaron place inside the Ark of the Covenant. Warning no man can overrule this Scepter of God only to this chosen Levi Tribes even today’s generation! If you are trying to rule this type of Rod of Levi Tribes today’s generation as a reminder the of Korah’s rebellion. Korah he refuses to submit to the authority of God!  When we see the Ark of the Covenant is the powerful Scepter of God…this is the Rod of Law of God’s authority over man! (Psalm 2:9, 23:4; 89:32; Isaiah 10:24; 11:4 and Ezekiel 20:37.) Remember when see the Ark of the Covenant we are reminder what Korah’s rebellion. They die because they come against the “authority” of God! Even today no man can rule this Rod of God only Jesus can! That is why He is given us the “name” above all name. We can now claim what was given to us Acts chapter one “Ye shall receive power, after the Holy Ghost is come upon you”

God’s Warning no is authorize to rule this Rod of Levi Tribes Even today!

No stranger,( which means if you are from another country you are not authorized to rule the Rod of Levi’s Tribe that is include the your country today! ), which is not of seed of Aaron, (which means if you are not family of Aaron  you are not authorized to be a leader of  this rod. Meaning you cannot be a Leadership this type of Rod of Aaron) come near to offer incense before the LORD; that he be not as Korah, (which means Korah demanding to be a leadership rebelling against Moses and Aaron authority-God is not very pleased at all) and as his company: as the LORD said to him by the hand of Moses. (Numbers 16:40) As a reminder today’s generation no stranger even me and you or another country trying to claim this type of rod of leadership it is a blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. 

As a reminder one had chosen nation the family of Levi’s Tribe who can rule this Rod of God! The only nation who can rule this type of rod is the chosen nation called Jerusalem as a reminder this is where God made a promise to King David to “Put” His name. The Father put His name in Jerusalem; the Son revealed the name of His Father. Jesus said, I Am He That Sent Me. The Father sends His name to His Son!  God has chosen physical Jerusalem and it will end up New Jerusalem. God’s footstool is the earth Jerusalem…Heaven Jerusalem His Throne! There is no other way around! Now the scriptures fulfilled by Jesus Christ Exodus 3:14, John 7:29, and Isaiah 44:6. The Father put/send His name to His Son Jesus is the name!

God gave the signs chosen rod (Aaron’s rod is budded is a sign that he is chosen!)

The gathering rods, identified with each tribe and the LORD spoke to Moses, saying speak to the children of Israel, and get  from them a rod from each father’s house, all their leaders according to their father’s houses; twelve rods write each man is name on his rod. And you shall write Aaron’s name on the rod of Levi. For there shall be one rod for the head of each father’s house a rod is a Leadership authority. Numbers 17:1-13. The rods to be placed in the Tabernacle for God’s choosing…”then you shall place them in the Tabernacle of meeting before the testimony, where I meet with you. And it shall be that the rod of the man whom I choose will blossom; thus I will rid Myself of the complaints of the children of Israel, which they make against you.”

As a reminder the “Name of Jesus” is the Rod of God that is why when Jesus said “All power is given to me” Jesus Christ (Scepter of Judah will not depart from it Genesis 49:10) now has all authority –Heaven and earth Philippians 2:9-11/it is written every knee shall bow Romans 14:11. A star will come out of Judah; a scepter will rise out of Israel Numbers 24:17. As a reminder Jesus has given us the authorization under His name the same power given to Moses and Aaron. Simply because, Jesus is the same God from the Old Testament Law Jesus is the Ark of the Covenant was given to Moses and Aaron. Aaron’s priesthood would always be Aaron’s priesthood. Hebrew 2:17. The setting of the Old Covenant cannot be overruled by anyone except Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ sealed the Old Testament Law to fulfill it not to destroy it!

If God demonstrated His choice of Aaron’s and his descendants as priests for Israel, how can Jesus be our high priest, as Hebrew 2:17 say? Because Jesus is a High Priest of the “Order of Melchizedek”, not be called the Order of Aaron” Hebrew Chapter 7. Verse 17 “Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek” verse 12 For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law. Verse 13 For he of whom these things are spoken pertaineth to another tribe, of which no man gave attendance at the altar. Verse 14 For it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Juda; of which tribe Moses spake nothing concerning priesthood. Who sprang out of Judah? Jesus! That is why Jesus said, Moses wrote of me! As a reminder Jesus gave us authorization to use the Rod of God through His name only! The name of Jesus is the Rod! Mark 16:15-19. The Right hand of God.

The Ark of the Covenant is the Memorial-Rebellion of Korah

As a reminder every time we see the Ark of the Covenant from the Old Testament Law to be kept as a sign against rebels the rod of Aaron was to be kept as a memorial, to remind the children of Israel that God had chosen a priesthood, and nothing would change the setting of authorization which God given. No man is allowed to claim the Leadership of Aaron’s priesthood would always be Aaron’s priesthood. In other words if you try to claim the setting of the Ark of the Covenant you are not allowed to control this type of Leadership not unless you are a Levi’s Tribe which you are the family of Aaron. All the process of various offering, that is includes the tithe only the Levitical priests has access of all the setting of the Tabernacle. Not even your pastor or leadership today!

 Jesus sealed the Levi’s Tribe Rod. That is why was kept inside the Ark of the Covenant contains rod of Aaron, Manna, Tablet of Law. They know clearly knew that it was wrong to rebel against the leadership of Aaron. Some people using this account as a leadership to condemn people but what they did not realize they are violating this type of law themselves today’s generation. If Korah cannot rule this type of Rod of Aaron who are you today can rule it??? Ask yourself can you rule this rod today? Nope! You cannot claim the tithe either using the name of Aaron that is contradicting the scriptures. This is blasphemy to the Holy Ghost adding or diminished the law of God is forbidden for us to do! That is why God made a simple rules and guidelines for us to follow He is the higher authority! We go by the rules. Remember Korah! Remember what happen to them! When we see the Ark of the Covenant it is a reminder what Korah did! He is trying to come against God’s authority!

Rebellion of Korah murmuring and complaints

The book of Numbers 16: chapter is the results of rebellion of Korah come against the Leadership. “And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses and all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their goods. -Destroying Korah, Dathan, and Abiram along with their 250 followers among the leading of Israel. -The plaque destroying 14,700 of those who sympathized with Korah and his folowers.

“Jesus said, Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven” Matthew 12:31-33. The Holy Ghost is the Rod of God! Holy Ghost is the Comforter rules mankind! The Holy Ghost will sent in my name (Jesus) to teach you all things” John 14:26. Jesus said, I am come in my Father’s name. John 5:43

The name of Jesus Christ is the highest name heaven and earth! The name of Jesus Christ is our Rod today over our enemies! The name of Jesus is above every name, and at the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. This is the fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah. It proves that Jesus is the one God of the Old Testament Law. Isaiah chapter 43, chapter 44, and chapter 45.
Jesus said, Moses wrote of me. Jesus is the Rod the highest name heaven and earth!

To be continue…Part 11

Written by: Victoria

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