Saturday, January 11, 2014

Jesus said, I am come in my Father's name Part 4

Jesus said, I am come in my Father’s name Part 4

The Covenant name is now revealed to all nations. Jesus said, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them…

In the name of the Father, (Jesus Christ revealed Himself as the Father)

In the name of the Son, (Jesus Christ revealed Himself as Flesh of God)

In the name of Holy Ghost (Jesus Christ revealed Himself the Rod of God, the Law made of Flesh)

The name of the Father is: “Jesus said, I am come in my Father’s name…” John 5:43.

The name of the Son is: “(…thou shalt call his name Jesus…” Matthew 1:21.

The name of the Holy Ghost is: “(…the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name…” John 14:26.

For there are three bear record in

·        Heaven
·        The Father
·        The Holy Ghost

And these three are one. I John 5:7. The Father from the Old Testament Law “bear record” God chosen twelve gates known the children of Jacob/ Israel and Jesus chosen twelve walls which are the known the Apostles of the Lamb. God set up this type of “Foundation” to recognize to all nations today. Jesus Christ attached the twelve walls for the completion of His Law. When someone ask you where is your Church? The only one way to tell them God started physical Jerusalem where God “put” His name there forever. Jesus Christ is now revealed; He sealed the name of the Father, Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Heaven and earth knows that the name of Jesus the Highest name above all names!

When someone ask you where is your Spiritual Church? God given us the Church of the Living God called…”Heavenly Jerusalem” this Law is now sealed by Jesus Christ and He fulfilled the law of the Ark of the Covenant. The Father from the Old Testament law…God has chosen the City of Jerusalem to “put” His name I King 11:36. Keep in mind the Father’s plan to put His name in Jerusalem forever! If someone ask me where is my Church is…I will say the City of our God that is the City of Jerusalem both physical and spiritual Jerusalem! Keep in mind the Gate of Judah is our Main entrance. Jesus is the Main Door of Judah’s Gate. He sealed all the eleven gates from the Old Testament Law and He opens the Main Door of Judah for all nations today!

Keep in mind if someone tells you I go to church such and such…remember we only have One Church! God already told us the name of the City of our God that is the City of Jerusalem. If you can’t recognize the Church of the Living God there is something wrong there. The Father from the Old Testament Law already established this foundation; this foundation cannot be copy by someone, only Jesus Christ can fulfill this law no one else.

The Old Testament God made a promise said unto David, and unto Solomon his son, “in this house, and in Jerusalem that I have chosen out of all tribes of Israel, I will put my name forever” 2 Chronicles 33:7. Keep in mind the Heaven, the Father, and the Holy Ghost bear record of these. Today, the physical Jerusalem is big mess because the enemy of God wants to take over the throne of God where God put His name. Lucifer will not stop trying to ruin the Jerusalem simply because this where God established God’s name. 

Lucifer did not know…God has a plan…God’s plan is to place His name in Jerusalem both physical and spiritual. That is why the Gate of Heaven must connect between Heaven and earth. Those twelve gates chosen by God in the Old Testament Law has known as twelve tribes of Israel, and the twelve walls known as twelve Apostles of the Lamb chosen by Jesus Christ. That is why now it is official sealed by Jesus Christ under that name. New Heaven and Earth Jerusalem!

The name of Jesus Christ is our sealed as well, when you baptize in His name…”ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise.” Ephesian 1:13. “Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name (Jesus) under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” Acts 4:12. Now we can understand the scriptures saying…”I and my Father are one” John 10:30. Jesus said, “When you have seen Me, you have seen the Father” John 14:7-11. Remember from the Old Testament Law the “Father” put His name in Jerusalem…Jesus revealed the name of the Father. Jesus is the Father’s name.  

Jesus Christ fulfilled the Old Testament promise to King David God said, unto David, and unto Solomon his son, “In this house, and in Jerusalem that I have chosen out of all tribes of Israel, I will put (notice the word “PUT”) my name forever” 2 Chronicles 33:7. Jesus said, I am come in my Father’s name.

Now, we can understand the Book of Ephesians 2:20 “And are built upon the foundation of the Apostles (Jesus chosen twelve Apostles known as walls in the Book of Revelation 21 chapter, 5 chapter, and 7 chapter) and prophets, (who are these prophets? They are twelve tribes of Israel God chosen people from the Old Testament Law, and also known as twelve gates, called the twelve children of Israel) Jesus Christ Himself being chief corner stones;

When we read the Book of Revelation the listings of the twelve gates and the twelve walls of God are built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets. That is why Jesus said, in the Book of John 5:46 says…”For ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of Me.” Wow! Bingo! Jesus is the same God from the Old Testament Law and New Testament Law. When Jesus say Moses wrote of Me what is that mean? Ask yourself have you read the five Books of Moses?

First, we need to identifies all five books of Moses what are they? Moses wrote The Book of Genesis, Deuteronomy, Leviticus, Exodus, and Numbers. The book of Moses contains many laws of heaven and earth, many regulations when it comes where to lay the various offering that includes the tithe (as a reminder from the Old Testament Law the various offering of the Levitical priest can only offer to those chosen gates of God. That is why we have twelve gates and twelve walls that the heaven record it in the book of Revelation.

 As a reminder we cannot redo the setting of the Ark of the Covenant. If you place your offering in other gates that is not chosen that is violation in God’s rule, and regulation. The reason, why God has chosen the gates in order to be recognize to all nations today the  work of God to the lives of these chosen people. Today we recognize the law of God because these tribes of Israel we can trace the History of our God. Be careful there some Israel trying to claim they are Israel but they are imposter.

Lucifer wants to destroy God’s gate, the chosen Israel are the Original Israel the Sons of Jacob! As we can see and hear today’s news the physical Jerusalem (where God put His name to be recognize) the imposter Lucifer trying to ruin the reputation of our God today. Today there is always battle between good and evil in that area! When Jesus is coming back in the second times He is going to destroy the entire evil images of Satan in those areas. God’s Image called good…that is why when Jesus identify Himself why callest thou me “Good” that is God! The book of Genesis everything He created He call it “Good” the book of Moses describe who is God is…in the beginning God.

When God call us to go home do you know which Gate you are going to enter? God already guiding us where the Gate is …that is the Gate of Judah. Do you know Jesus Christ came out the lineage of Judah? He is the Main Gate Door of Judah’s Tribe of Israel!

Jesus said, Moses wrote of me. But if ye believed not his writings, (Moses writings…Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and Numbers) how shall ye believe my words? John 5:46-47.

To be continue…Part 5

Written by: Victoria

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