Jesus said, I am come in my Father’s name Part 5
The earth is the LORD
Did you say…Jesus is LORD? Anyway, before you say Jesus is
LORD you must consider to enlighten the hearer and the reader in a simple way
to understand that God He is the LORD thy God! When you say to Jesus is LORD.
He is the earth. The earth is the LORD.
It is written! God wrote the entire Universe all we have to
do observe the heaven and earth it is written directly written all the
information that we need to know. It is written! God has revealed Himself
through His creations. If you look the entire Universe is full of written
information…you just have to dig it out. We have Mega Library! Everything we
need to know God place it. If you want scientific facts just look up you can
try to diagnose the stars, sun, moon, planets. If you want information about
Medicine…find out how many trees, how many flowers, how many rocks are they in
the whole world. Some people like to dig deeper about the diamond rocks and
find out what the diamond can do. God did not create a boring world. He creates
it for us to be amazing all these wonders of nature!
The Word of God called Logos-Word it is written directly to
His own creation. God embedded the information to His own creation and wrote it
directly all the facts of life through His creations. The entire Universe God
wrote the facts of life. If we itemized all the facts of God’s creations today
you probably run out of paper. Because when we call the name of the LORD you
are talking about the whole Universe that contains many written laws they are
invisible but they are directly written in His creations.
That is why the
Romans 1:20 says…”for the invisible of
him from the creations of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the
things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead;”
“The earth is the
LORD’s and everything in it and all who live in it” Psalm 24:1. Do you know
God planted a Garden? Do you know Adam he doesn’t water the Garden of God?
Everything is taking care of. Everything Adam needs is all in that Garden of
God. Today this Garden of God is closed and of course, Jesus opens it back to
us simply because this Garden is called “Tree of Life”
“The LORD God planted
a garden toward the East in Eden; and there He placed the man whom He had
formed. Out of the ground the LORD God caused to grow every tree that is
pleasing to the sight and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of
the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.” Genesis 2:8-9.
This is the piece of scriptures actually both physical and
spiritual insight for us. The tree of knowledge we find out the facts there is
good food and there is evil food. Some food they are good for your physical
body and some food can be poisonous to your body.
That is why when God established His law through the
prophets there are certain food they are not allowed to eat simply because can
hurt or sick their physical body. God just protecting them when He said, “thou
shalt not eat” the dietary law is number one command of God to protect your
body to live longer in this earth. There are some seeds cannot planted that are
not the same kind. There are some animals you cannot mix for breeding as well.
There some animals you cannot eat simply because some unclean animals carry
diseases. There are some animals they are clean we are allowed to eat.
When we teach the Gospel of Christ this is the only way we
can describes the Logos or Word made of Flesh. The Word it is written directly
to His own Creations. The Gospel of Christ started actually in the beginning of
Genesis Moses wrote about Jesus Christ. Jesus Himself says it saying…Moses
wrote of Me. You cannot make a New
Testament Law without the Old Testament Law. We must recognize the earth is the
LORD in order for us to say Jesus is LORD! Now, we will able to understand this
scripture saying…Galatians 1:8.
“But though we, or an
angel from heaven, preach any gospel unto you than that which we have preached
unto you, let him be accursed”
The setting of the heaven and earth, (They are orderly
design by God) the setting the Ark of the Covenant, (the two Cherubim looking
down to the Mercy Seat) the Tree of Life from the Old Testament Law the
Cherubim guarding the Tree of Life Adam and Eve cannot enter to this place
after they committed sin. The tree of life must be protected by God in order to
gain it back.)
Jesus must fulfill this type of Law for Himself in order to
open it back to all of us that’s the plan of God. Someday we can enter in to
this Tree of Life. God has given the Law directly to Moses. Jesus must fulfill
the Law given to Moses. (God Himself must fulfilled the entire law. The
physical body of Christ must fulfill as well as the Word of God made of flesh.)
This is the way God wants the setting of the Tabernacle. Heaven is God’s
throne…earth God’s footstool.
Before you preached in the name of Jesus…if you don’t
recognize the twelve gates of God, and you are making your own gates (telling
people your church is the only true church the rest of the entire nation is not
be careful! God save the whole world. He didn’t die for righteous person. He dies
for the sinners. If you are righteous you don’t need Jesus! As a reminder the
only One is Righteous is Jesus no one else!) More than likely that is false
teaching if you claim your church is the only one is going to make it!
God gave us the instruction begins in the Old Testament Law
we must recognize those chosen gates of God. If we cannot recognize the gate of
God how do you get to Main Door Gate of Jesus Christ? There are many people
will say I believe in Jesus but refuse to know the Gate of God. The chosen
twelve gates of God are very important to Him! One of these days we are going
to enter to this chosen gate of God. The Gate of Judah is all open Doors to all
nations today. The Tree of Life that has been closed in the Old Testament law
is now officially open by Jesus Christ.
“But though we, or an
angel from heaven, preach any gospel unto you than that which we have preached
unto you, let him be accursed”
Jesus Christ is the same Tree of Life from the Old Testament
Law that guarded of Eden Cherubim according to the book of Genesis 3:24 after
he drove the man (Adam) out, he placed on the Eden cherubim and flaming sword
flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life. Hebrew 9:5 Above
the Ark were the cherubim of glory, overshadowing the mercy seat. Jesus
fulfilled the same setting in John 20:12 Mary Magdalene saw two angels in white
sitting, one at the head and one at the feet, where the body of Jesus had been
lying. (as you notice the two angels guarding the body of Jesus Christ same
setting the Tree of Life from the Old Testament law, and the setting of the Ark
of the Covenant two Cherubim’s looking down to the mercy seat.
When we say or quote the scriptures Deuteronomy 6:4 Hear O’
Israel: The LORD our God is One God! Before we say these scriptures you make
sure we understand why? The Israel Tribes are chosen Twelve Gates of God. Jesus
sealed the Twelve Gates and He opens the One Gate to all nations. That is why
we know Jesus is the Gate of Judah’s lineage! He is the Lion of Judah!
The setting of the Tabernacle it is very important to God.
He must fulfill the entire Law of Moses, because Moses receives the entire Law directly
to God. God Himself must fulfill it! That is why Jesus said, Moses wrote of me.
Acts 1:10-11 And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up,
behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; which also said, ye men of
Galilee why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, which is taken up
from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye seen him go into
God order the angels
to protect the tree of life. Revelation 22:14 blessed are they that do his
commandment, that they may have right to the tree of life, may enter in through
the gates into the city.
The book of Psalms is the most popular verses quoted people
lives. King David is one of the Chosen Gate. Why David? David is the lineage of
the Tribe of Judah. Jesus Christ chosen this Tribe of Judah, the Scepter of
Judah shall not depart from it! A Psalm of Praise 100:4 says…”enter to his
gates with thanksgiving, and to his courts with praise: be thankful unto him,
and bless his name.” Jesus is the way. The Gate of Judah that opens Door to all
nations today! Be careful how you teach the tithe and various offering from the
Old Testament Law.
Those various offering can only offered to those chosen
gates of God. Do you know why? Why? In order for the nation of Israel will be recognizing
today’s generation. This is the only way we can trace it down the very God who
made Heaven and earth!
This is the main reason Jesus Christ fulfilled this entire
law in order for us not to violate those rules of Moses! We are under the grace
of Jesus Christ not under the Law of Moses!
To be continuing…Part 6
Written by: Victoria
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